Nominees for Distinguished Faculty Service Award soughtA call from Dr. John R. RaymondDear Colleagues: I am pleased to invite nominations for the 2005 MUSC Distinguished Faculty Service Award. Nominations may be made by MUSC faculty, staff and alumni. This annual award was enacted by our university Board of Trustees to recognize and honor faculty members of MUSC who, during a substantial portion of their careers, have provided exceptional and sustained services and contributions in teaching, research, health care and/or public service to the university and the citizens of South Carolina. Up to three awards may be made each year and each honoree will receive a $3,000 contribution from the Health Sciences Foundation. The information at right describes the award in more detail as well as the process and procedures for nominations. Please carefully consider who among our MUSC family are most deserving of the Distinguished Faculty Service Award. We look forward to receiving your nominations. This year's deadline for receipt of all nominations is June 3. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Office of the Provost, 792-2340. Thank you for your attention to this valuable opportunity to properly recognize those who have given so much to MUSC. Sincerely, John R. Raymond, M.D. DCI Professor of Medicine Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Award CriteriaBackgroundA few very special members of MUSC faculty achieve such unique and exemplary levels of excellence in university service during their academic careers that they deserve special recognition, appreciation and honor from the institution. None of the existing university academic awards truly suffice for such recognition as they are either too limited in number, or do not focus on global contributions during a full academic career. Purpose The specific purpose of the “Distinguished Faculty Service Award” is to recognize and honor faculty members of MUSC who during a substantial portion of their careers have provided exceptional and sustained service and contributions in teaching, research, health care, and/or public service to the university and the citizens of South Carolina. By virtue of the nature of this award, it is deemed one of the highest honors that the Medical University can bestow upon a member of its faculty. Specifics of the Award Up to three awards will be presented annually at a special public universitywide ceremony. Each recipient shall receive a $3,000 cash award from the Health Sciences Foundation, as well as a certificate as tangible recognition of their special contributions. The awards also will be widely publicized in internal and external public and professional media. Nominations/Selection Procedure Nominations will be accepted in a prescribed format during an open period once each year by the provost from MUSC faculty, staff and alumni. The University Distinguished Faculty Service Committee will review these nominations. Their recommendations will be presented through the provost to the University President's Council and then to the University Board of Trustees for final approval. Notification At the appropriate time of the year, official requests for nominations will be communicated widely in relevant MUSC media and channels. Selection Criteria All active members of the MUSC faculty, as well as retired members, are eligible for consideration. Specific criteria include:
Friday, May 13, 2005