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To Medical Center Employees:

At the June 7 communications meeting Rob Fowler, chief meteorologist for Channel 2, updated the management team on the outlook for the hurricane season. Highlights of his presentation and other information are included in this week’s The Catalyst. 
We are most appreciative to Mr. Fowler and his Channel 2 associates. Mr. Fowler has personally provided the Medical Center administrative team and others with the most up-to-date weather details over the years as storms have approached.
We all must be familiar with the medical center’s weather emergency policies and our respective department-based plans. Employees who have questions should contact their manager or director.
As mentioned in recent Currents newsletters, our plan for the future will be to take our organization to the next level by “hardwiring excellence.” Our current operational policies, quality network, tactical plan and customer service efforts provide a strong foundation to build upon.
In the near future, a representative of the Studer Group will visit to conduct a preliminary gap analysis. The purpose will be to identify opportunities. This will not involve a cookie cutter approach.
Our hardwiring initiatives will take time to develop and roll out. Among other things we will improve our work environments, enhance our skills and customer service behaviors, and develop better communication mechanisms to build a culture of service excellence. Ultimately everyone will be involved.
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center

Emergency procedures, quality plans discussed

Following a presentation by Channel 2’s Rob Fowler that recapped the 2004 hurricane season and forecast more of the same for 2005, safety and security director Alonzo Nesmith Jr. gave a rundown of preparedness issues for the medical center. These issues and additional details about preparation for the 2005 hurricane season can be found on at

Bio-terrorism Preparation
Brian Fletcher of the Emergency Department displayed a bio-isolation unit to be used in the event of a bio-agent attack. The clear plastic-enclosed gurney with protective glove ports for assisting a patient was presented as preferable to the 10-person tent for isolating victims exposed to deadly biological agents. He said that 20 of the single-person devices would cost about the same as one tent, which would accommodate 10 people.

Tactical Plan                
In her tactical plan update on quality and safety in health care, Rosemary Ellis said the pressure for health care reform usually results in limiting service or access. While the pressure is great --15 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product spent on health care, more than on automobiles, and Medicare and Medicaid account for one-fifth of the federal budget -- a preferred solution would be to focus on improving quality of care rather than reducing consumption. CMS has recently endorsed a set of measures for ambulatory care. Our challenge will be to put a structure in place in the ambulatory care setting that will assist us in meeting the challenge.

Human Resources Update
Helena Bastian, director of Human Resources announced the fiscal year 2005-2006 Performance Pay Plan includes a PTO cash-in or PTO conversion to ESL as outlined in the PTO Policy #18.  An employee may cash in up to 40 hours provided a balance of 120 hours of PTO remains. An eligible employee may cash-in up to 40 hours PTO twice a year to be paid on July 11 and/or Dec. 12. 
Note PTO cash-in incentive will be dependent upon the medical center’s financial status.
In order for an employee to cash-in or convert PTO to ESL, the appropriate form must be submitted to the respective supervisor/manager. Completed forms should be submitted to Payroll in Room 221 Clincial Sciences Building by June 24 (for the July 11 th cash-in/conversion date) and/or Nov. 25 (for the Dec. 12 cash-in/conversion date). The form is located on the Intranet under HR forms. 
Bastian reminded group that performance evaluations must be completed in a timely manner. The medical center’s evaluation policy calls for evaluations to be conducted not later than 45 days following the review date in order to be timely. 
Bastian also asked managers to remind staff to adhere to parking policies and  procedures even during inclement weather. 

Friday, June 10, 2005
Catalyst Online is published weekly, updated as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public Relations for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of South Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at 792-4107 or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to Catalyst Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to or To place an ad in The Catalyst hardcopy, call Community Press at 849-1778.