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Rumor Mill separates fact from fiction

Pay Raises
Rumor: I heard that the July 1 pay raises for state employees also apply to MUHA employees. Is this true?
Truth: Pay adjustments for MUHA will be given in January.

Paid Time Off
Rumor: Is it appropriate to go to doctor’s appointments while on the clock? It is rumored that some people go to their appointments without clocking out.
Truth: Time and attendance should be reported in accordance with the HR Time and Attendance Reporting Policy #29. Departments can provide more detailed guidelines as needed.

State Pay Increase
Rumor: We heard that the state approved a 4 percent cost of living adjustment to be in effect July 1. However, we also heard that we may not see this increase if our department does not have the money in its budget.
Truth: The 2005-2006 State Appropriations Act mandates a 4 percent general base pay increase for all classified employees in FTE positions. This increase will be effective July 1.
Additionally, the state will be providing the university the resources to cover the increase for state-funded positions. Departments that have positions funded from other sources must pay for these increases from their own resources.
Employees occupying unclassified administrative positions, executive compensation positions or faculty positions will also receive an increase effective July 1. Increases for employees occupying positions in these classification groups may range from 0-6 percent. The state will also provide resources to cover increases for employees occupying State FTE positions. However, the state will only cover increases of 4 percent on average.
If a department can justify increases that exceed the 4 percent on average, then that department must pay the additional increases from its own resources. The State Appropriations Act does not address compensation for employees occupying research grant, resident, student and temporary employees. Departments may choose to increase compensation for employees in these classifications if they deem it necessary, however, the departments must have the resources to cover these increases.

Reproduced from


Friday, July 15, 2005
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