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Trident United Way Campaign Form

Please circle:  CFC     MUSC    UMA*     MUHA 

Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.:___________________________________Home Phone:_________________________ 

SS#:______________________Unit__________________Work Phone:___________ 

Home Address:_______________________________________________________________ 


* UMA employees are eligible for a straight dollar-for-dollar match for all gifts between the amounts of $250 and $500. Call 792-1973 for more information.

YES! I want to make a difference with my community care gift! 

  • Payroll Deduction: I authorize my employer to deduct the following amount per pay period: Please check the appropriate box
      •  2% of my pay
      •  1% of my pay
      •  1 hour's pay per month
      •  $100 
      • $50 
      • $25 
      • $10
      •  Other (Please specify) $________

My pay period is:  ___Every two weeks   ___Monthly 

      I understand that my gift will continue until modified by me

I wish to contribute $_________  ___Cash    _____Check (Check payable to Trident United Way)

______Stock (A Trident United Way representative will contact me)
______By Credit Card: Type_____________ Number ____________________________Exp. Date_________
Please bill my credit card: annually____   semi-annually____   quarterly _____     one time on_______

_____I wish to utilize my UMA Matching Gift option. Total gift including match is $___________

_____My gift of $1,000 or more qualifies me for membership in the Palmetto Society. Please list me in the Palmetto Society roster as _________________________________________________

Thank You 

For information call 792-1973. Fax pledge form to 792-8934 or campus mail to TUW/Office of Development, 21D Ehrhardt St., P.O. Box 250182.