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Recognizing workplace veterans
day, MUSC employees are valued for their efforts and contributions in
the education of health care professionals and providing patient care.
Many MUSC employees also share an important dual role as
citizen-soldiers working with National Guard, active duty or reserve
Members of the MUSC
Public Safety Color Guard prepare to present the flags during the Nov.
9 ceremony at the Basic Science Building Auditorium. Attendees listened
to a speech by Col. Wrighton and reservist Brig. Gen. Geoff Freeman
(USAR), executive director of MUSC Educational Technology Services, and
watched a video presentation.
In honor of all veterans, MUSC sponsored its fourth Military
Recognition Day program on Nov. 9 for MUSC employees.
Ambulatory Care's
Ron Treiber, a 20-year Navy veteran, pins Safety and Security's James
Magee, a 23-year Navy veteran, during the ceremony. Each veteran
present was given an MUSC military pin.
Kandace D. Adams, Spencer O. Addison, Herbert
Al-brechtsen,Thomas Daniel Altman, Sharon E. Ancrum, Marlo S. Anderson,
Thomas P. Anderson, Michael George Andrews, James R. Atkins,
Rosebelinda V. Augustus, Kenneth J. Bachewicz, Ronald E. Baker,
David Simon Ball, John Ballard, Charles C. Banks, Charles Prescott
Barnes, Keith W. Barnes, Norris E. Barrineau, Johnathan O. Bass,
Frederick L. Bennett, Elizabeth Ann Betz, Robert D. Blackburn, Danny
Elroy Blake, John R. Boolen, Peter P. Botzis, Donna Kay Bouissey, Ted
A. Bouthiller, Timothy Ernest Bowling, Eugene Ralston Boyd, John W.
Boyd, Hurley D. Braddy, Theodore Ronald Bradley, Michael R. Briggs,
Mary Margaret Brigman, Kenneth L. Brinkman, Eric S. Brown, Janet F.
Brown, Kenneth A. Brown, Devonna R. Brown-Williams, Ronald J. Brunner,
Teresa R. Byars, John H. Campbell, Cynthia Elaine Carter-Frasier,
Patricia Catanach, Edward A. Cawthorn, Bruce Arthur Chambers, David M.
Chapman, Stephanie F. Chomos, Thomas Cieri, Ronald H. Clark, Debra A.
Clontz, Jason Eugene Collins, Rufus L. Collins, Quetta D. Conyers,
Matthew Edward Cook, Alfred R. Cox, Erin Elizabeth Cox, Michael E.
Craine, David C. Crout, William J. Crummer, James W. Cummins, Timothy
M. Daniell, Bryan Keith Darling, Marcel A. Darrieux, Leroy E. Davis,
Reginald K. Dean, Donald E. Deland, Lisa A. Depozo, John B. Deremer,
Berly Omerle Derrick, Christopher J. Devine, James D. Dewitt, Mark
Charles Dorey, Joseph M. Doss, Shannek Iteria Dover, Maria
Julianne Dowling, Frances L. Duffy, Christopher S. Duvall, J. Michael
Earl, George E. Erwin, Jill J. Evans, David W. Ferguson, Ann M.
Ferrell, Bernard Ferrette, James W. Ferris, Julius P. Fielding, tiesha
L. Fludd, John King Flynn, Nancy Carol Flynt, John D. Franklin, Dennis
James Frazier, William H. Freeman, Glenn A. Gadsden, Tracy Yvette
Garner, Dana Angela Gates, Calvin Michael Gathers, Christopher J.
Gibbs, James L. Gibson, Frederick Eugene Gipe, Shawn L. Glennon, Juan
Gonzalez, Walter Goodwin, Tracey L. Gordon, William J. Graham, James
Larry Grant, Rickey Alexander Greene, William Alexander Greene, Robert
P. Gregowicz, Keith Curtis Grigsby, Edward U. Griles, David A. Guarino,
Larry Allen Guy, Mtthew J. Habrat, Michael Anthony Haddle, Lee Robert
Haggerty, Deborah F. Hamilton, Stephanie LaShane Hammond, Larry D.
Harding, Patrick Harrell, Jessica Renee Harrison, David T. Henderson,
Juanita H. Heyward, Joanna Sarba Heywood, Adrianne McKenzie Holt, Jerry
A. Houston, Douglas M. Howell, Thomas A. Hubbard, William P. Huck,
Timothy Valentine Hushion, David A. Hutto, Edmond G. Inigo, George F.
Isgitt, Amanda D. Jager, Ruth G. Jahn, Dan E. Jenkins, Harold C.
Jensen, Mark Joczik, Christopher D. Johnson, James Francis Johnson,
Jude Edwin Johnson, Karen Elaine Johnson, Laureen Renitta Johnson,
Rodger Johnson, Thomas Lockwood Johnson, Floyd Patrick Jones, Kimberly
M. Jones, Joyce L. Justice, Sylvia Elaine Kelly, Hugh Osgood Kight,
Aneesa King, Stephen Buist Kirby, Kelly Ann Knochelmann, Walter T.
Krzyzaniak, Lori Walker Langston, Pamela S. Lanphere, Raymond Bolen
Lanphere, John T. Lawrence, Edward H. Lee, Cathy J. Luedeman, Steven
Michael Mackin, Sharon O. Macon, James Magee, David Marcum, Johnnie
Martines, Kenneth R. Massingale, Mark W. McCaslin, Conniel L. McDaniel,
Brenda J. McElveen, Marisa Heitman McEntire, Marshall McFadden, Terry
Dewayne McFall, Karen L. McGee, Nicole C. McKee, Delores McKenzie,
Ronald E. McKinnie, Albert McMahon, Darin McNeal, Mary E. McNeal, Mary
M. Metz, Jeffrey Middleton, Theadore A. Middleton, Frederick W. Miles,
Douglas D. Miller, Adriane S. Mitchell, Ashley Tarone Mitchell, Valerie
Joy Mitchell, Rhonda Montgomery, Bernard Moore, Rebecca Jane Moore,
Thomas F. Moore, Paul Moss, Tonnia A.O. Mullen, Frank L. Murray, Steven
Michael Naert, Carmie Josette Nelson, Barbara A. Nesbitt, Larry D.
Neupert, Donald D. Neuroth, Nash A. Newsome, Thales Newsome, Robert
Charles Nimmich, Shawn Yvette Nimons, Dexter, L. Noble, Thomas J.
Noble, Robert Dennis Nolan, John H. Nye, Donna Jean Oden, John G.
Oliver, Shawna Christine Oliver-Wilder, Michael J. Ondrus, Sam A.
Ormont, Casey Owens, Donna M. Padgette, Marjorie Wells Page, Walter
Painter, Gwendolyn Heyward Parker, Steve Paterniti, Leif D. Pedersen,
Charles Henry Pegram, Radames F. Perez, Steven W. Pessier, John R.
Petit, Ronald W. Petko, Craig C. Phelps, John Henry Phillips, Brigette
L. Pirrung, Jose Izon Pizarro, Cassendra Annette Poole, Travis L.
Porcher, Todd M. Pottorf, Alitasha Pringle, Robert E. Pulos, William
Angus Pursley, Cecilio M. Raguine, Mansle E. Raines, Steven G. Ratliff,
Susanne V. Ratzlaff, Samuel Aiken Ravenel, Glenn Boyd Reams, Joe
Reasoner, Glenwood L. Redden, Persephone Murray Redden, Archie L. Reid,
William J. Rentz, Beth-Ann Beaver Rhoton, Stacey Jaye Ribble,
John Richardson, Philip Riley, Bobbie Lynn Rinard, Quantella L.
Rivers-Bradley, Glenn Robinson, Cedric Marcel Rogers, Christian K.
Romanchek, E. Eugene Roper, Morris Francis Roper, Charles Ross, George
M. Rossi, Pamela Jane Ruff, Lee Russ, Nancy Sampson, Charles
Anthony Sander, Jason A. Santanna, Pacifico A. Santiago, Norma Peavy
Sawyers, Gregory Joseph Schaldenbrand, Michael G. Schlegel, Christopher
John Scianna, Caroline Patricia Scruggs, Beverly Shine, David A. Sholl,
Christie Allison Sierra, Christopher Simmons, Laurie Simmons-Carter,
Tammy Renee Singletary, Hope M. Singleton, Marcellus L. Singleton,
Grace L. Smith, Henry R. Smith, Jeffery P. Smith. Johnny Mack
Brown-Smith, Ralph E. Smith, W. Stuart Smith, Michael D. Snyder,
Sanford H. Solomon, Margaret M. Spell, William Bennett Spring., Charles
E. Stevens, David L. Strange, Ronald E. Staub, Kathleen M. Struthers,
Gary A. Stubblefield, Valerie J. Sutton, Preston A. Tanner, Lonnie
Taylor, Reginald Leonard Terry, Travis Thomas, William Thomison, Tanya
Victoria Thompson, Vernell Threat, David P. Tobin, Robin Suzanne
Trainham, Ronald J. Traver, Ronald J. Treiber, Angela Marian Trogdon,
Herman T. Tuchman, Ron C. Turner, Karen VanMaanen, Orlando Velez,
Lonnie Ned Vendrick, Sharon Lee Vendrick, James Spencer Verner, Conrad
Ewen Vogt, Gayle Rochelle Wadford, Samantha Wadford, Denyse Marie
Walsh, Dennis Ward, Teresa A. Watt, Carl Edward Webb, George
Franklin Webb, Sheldon Morey Weinstein, David Lee Wendorf, Nathaniel I.
Whichard, Caolr Ann White, Dan White, David H. White, Olivia C.
Whitehurst, Darlene E. Williams, Robert L. Williams, Ruthel F.
Williams, Bobby J. Wilson, Clyde L. Wilson, Sherri Belinda Wilson,
William Leroy Wilson, Barbara Wojciechowski, Boyd Lee Wood, Annabel
Woodman, William Arthur Wright, Susan Lee Zayac, and Frances Zinko
In honor of MUSC's
support of the military, Col. Timothy Wrighton, left, commander of the
Air Force Reserve's 315th Airlift Wing at Charleston Air Force Base,
presents the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Award to
Hospital Administration's Dennis Fraser.
Thomas P. Anderson, James L. Bowman, Sheryl C. Blackwell, Hal S.
Currey, Peter A. Dodge Sr., Barbara A. Eaton, Michael E. Emanuele, Mary
S. Frost, Mary S. Granger, Early Griffin III, George M. Grimball Jr.,
Irvin A. Haynes, Kevin M. Heis, Diane M. Hendricks, Latoya Holmes, Tony
L. Jamison, Lance H. Johnson, Michael C. Keels, James T. McClinton,
David C. Neff, Marion J. Oldham, Rosalyn S. Peterson-Hale, Cheryl L.
Salvo, Edwin A. Tufts II.
Right photo: MUSC
employees who participated in the MUSC Holiday Deployee Tree Project
bring boxes of good cheer to the stage during the Military Recognition
Day program, Nov. 9. Thirty-eight care packages filled with food, gifts
and goodies were collected for deployed MUSC employees or family
members this holiday season.
Herman Rogers Allen, Juan R. Anavitate, Durwood E. Bach, Jerome Baker,
Christopher S. Barrett, John M. Barry, Barbara A. Bell, Dionne L.
Bennett, James F. Benson, Connie Lee Best, Robert Joseph Black, Ted C.
Blevins, Wallace T. Bonaparte, Rodney P. Bordelon, Michael Bouiseey,
John A. Bradley, Frank J. Brescia, Arthur M. Brown, Charles A. Brown,
Stephanie Yvonne Brown-Guion, Keith A. Browning, Mark C. Bulson,
Timothy H. Bussey, Teresa R. Byars, Ronald E. Bycroft, Ralph A.
Calhoun, David E. Callahan, Joseph R. Cantey, Burgess Bernard Canty,
James F. Carter, Rudolph A. Chapman, Jerimaine Chatman, James E.
Chisholm, Donald E. Collins, John A. Colwell, Edward Conradi, Rodney W.
Coons, Norman E. Cooper, Gary Wayne Covington, James K. Craig, Fred A.
Crawford, Arthur Jackson Crumbley, John R. Cusack, Casandra Daniels,
Charles A. Davis, George Edward Dawson, Victor E. Del Bene, Angienita
Deveaux, Samuel C. Deveaux, Leroy Dingle, Francine M. Dionee, Anthony
Dunbar, Raymond D. Edwards, Bruce M. Elliott, Dallas Ellis, Arthur M.
Fayne, Charles D. Ferguson, Joseph R. Ferra, Milton J. Foust, Herbert
P. Franklin, Louis L. Franz, Kimiko R. Frasier, Melissa Ann Freeland,
Geoffrey A. Freeman, George Donald Frey, Gerald A. Garza, Stephen P.
Giallombardo, Joseph C. Good, Joseph L. Gorman, Sidney M. Gourdine,
David Reed Graham, Emuel E. Green, Mark Ronald Green, Susan Ann Greene,
David A. Griesemer, Richard H. Gross, Jimmy A. Gunter, John C. Hales,
Rodney L. Hamilton, Douglas A. Haskins, James E. Hensley, Richard
Hernandez, Kristin B. Highland, Alexander Hill, Daniel Hoskins, Terry
I. Howell, Richard C. Hughes, Jerry Huhn, Cathy Hyatt, Clint Infinger,
David W. Ivey, Valerie J. Jass, William Sims Jenkins, Allen L. Johnson,
Gerald P. Johnson, Lisa M. Johnson, Teresa Johnson, Fredrick S. Jones,
Lasonya R. Jordan, Terry A. Jorgensen, Jerald Thomas Joseph, James S.
Knight, Marilyn B. Knowles, Peter Kobes, Andrew Steven Kraft, Teresa A.
Lancaster, John Lazarchick, Richard Wynne Leinster, Calvin D. Lindeman,
Paul M.P. Locicero, Karla K. Locklear, Scott L. Lofmark, Ceferino G.
Magpantay, Robert J. Malcolm, Stephen W. Malley, Robert Mallin, John C.
Malmrose, Dillard C. Marshall, Mary M. Martin, Tommy L. Maw, Augustus
J. McConnell, Allen G. McCreary, Clifton L. McDonald, Alexander C.
McGillivray, George C. McLauchlan, David Allen McMakin, Hugh T.
McPartlin, Eugene Paul Merkel, Arnold E. Metz, Lawrence D. Middaugh,
Donald H. Miller, David M. Mills, Ronald E. Mize, Lawrence C. Mohr,
Raymond C. Monroe, Lawrence H. Moser, Bryan A. Moten, Kelly Mullen,
Michael C. Murray, Latonya Rochelle McWilliams, Jason R. Nance, Mark J.
Narowski, Robert F. Neuner, Ronald O. Nickel, Daniel W. Nixon, Jackie
R. Nolen, Edwin J. O'Brien, John M. Oldham, Jeffery D. Osmer, Henry B.
Othersen, David K. Oyster, Harry B. Parks, Jeffrey L. Parrish, Lloyd R.
Pate, Robert H. Peiffer, Howard V. Peskin, Michael Alan Peterson, James
Peyton, Adren E. Phillips, John E. Pigott, Ross B. Pollack, Jon B.
Rampton, Jeff Randall, James G. Ravenel, Michele C. Ravenel, Samuel A.
Ravenel, Jerry K. Redmon, William D. Register, John Routt Reigart,
Ursula S. Riley, David E. Rivers, Jacob G. Robison, Adrian D. Rose,
Roger D. Rowell, Timothy S. Roylance, John S. Runyon, Joseph Salley,
John J. Sanders, Rodney J. Schlosser, Mark S. Schmidt, Howard Schomer,
Bradley A. Schulte, Michael Seabrook, John Bayne Selby, Jennifer F.
Shambrook, Gerhard E. Shanks, Gerald J. Shealy, Warren L. Sholl,
Christine M. Skope, Sabra C. Slaughter, Charles D. Smith, David L.
Smith, Michael T. Smith, Ann Smuniewski, Nancee Sneed, William Dan
Sneed, William M. Southgate, Samuel S. Spicer, Emmie Elizabeth
Steadman, Robert T. Stickney, Sylvia Jean Strickland, Marvin Michael
Swindle, Michael W. Tabor, Archie J. Taylor, Anthony Thomas, Joseph F.
Thompson, Tracey S. Thomson, William L. Turner, Paul B. Underwood,
Bruce W. Usher, James P. Van Dorsten, Michael L. Vanderhurst, Kenneth
N. Vanek, Roy Howard Vaughan, Diana J. Vincent, Christopher S. Wagner,
Robert C. Waite, John A. Walker, John S. Walton, Carlyle
Wanamaker, Scot P. Wetzig, David A. Whittaker, Donald L. Wilbur, George
J. Wilds, Nathan W. Williams, Frederick A. Wilson, Peter W.
Wilson, and Robert F. Woolson.
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006
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