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Part 1 SACS
comprehensive standards set
by Cindy
This is the fifth in a series of articles providing an overview of the
purpose, process and content of the current accreditation reaffirmation
of MUSC by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools (SACS).
This article focuses on 18 of the total 65 comprehensive standards that
cover university mission and governance. The remaining standards deal
with Institutional Effectiveness, Programs, Faculty/Students/Learning
Resources, University Resources, and Federal Requirements. These will
be described in four subsequent articles.
Lisa Montgomery
Initial information gathering about and documentation of these
standards is the responsibility of the comprehensive standards
committee—governance, as chaired by Lisa P. Montgomery, vice president
for Finance and Administration.
Following is a brief overview of each standard as well as the
associated documentation required:
- Comprehensive Standard
3.1.1: Institutional Mission—an institution must have a clear
and comprehensive mission statement approved by the governing board,
consistently followed, and fully communicated to all constituencies.
Documentation here includes the statement, board minutes showing
periodic review/approval, and specific examples of how statement guides
institutional activities and decisions.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.1: CEO Selection/Evaluation—governing board is responsible
for selection and evaluation of the chief executive officer (CEO).
Documentation includes position description, search records, specific
review policies, and written board evaluations.
- Comprehensive Standard Legal Authority & Operating Control for Institutional
Mission—governing board’s overall authority for the institution
must be clearly defined and recognized. Documentation includes board
and related entities’ charters, bylaws, mission statements, meeting
minutes, fiscal reports, policy documents, and appropriate contracts
and formal agreements with affiliates.
- Comprehensive Standard Legal Authority & Operating Control for the Fiscal
Stability of the Institution—governing board’s fiscal authority
and control for the institution must be clearly defined and
recognized. Documentation includes board and related entities’
charters, bylaws, mission statements, meeting minutes, fiscal reports,
policy documents, and appropriate contracts and formal agreements with
- Comprehensive Standard Legal Authority & Operating Control for All Institutional
Policy—governing board’s overall authority for institutional
policy, including policies concerning related affiliated corporate
entities and all auxiliary services, must be clearly defined and
recognized. Documentation includes board and related entities’
charters, bylaws, mission statements, meeting minutes, fiscal reports,
policy documents, and appropriate contracts and formal agreements with
- Comprehensive Standard Legal Authority & Operating Control for Related Foundations—governing
board’s overall authority for the related foundations (athletic,
research, etc.) and other corporate entities whose primary purpose is
to support the institution and/or its programs must be clearly defined
and recognized. Documentation includes board and related entities’
charters, bylaws, mission statements, meeting minutes, fiscal reports,
policy documents, and appropriate contracts and formal agreements with
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.3: Board Conflict of Interest—must have a policy addressing
conflict of interest for board members. Documentation would include
“conflict of interest” bylaws, definition, and written policies.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.4: Board Free From Undue External Influence—from political,
religion, or other external bodies as well as protects institution from
such influences. In addition to legal requirements for board
composition and membership selection, documentation includes policies
and bylaws spelling out protection from unwarranted intrusions as well
as reports of board actions resolving external pressure issues.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.5: Board Due Process—members can be dismissed only for cause
after due process. This can be documented by official board policies as
well as minutes of applicable board actions.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.6: Distinction Between Board Policy and Administration/Faculty
Implementation—clear distinction, written and in practice,
between policy-making functions of the board and the responsibility of
the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy.
Documentation would include institutional bylaws, board policy manual,
faculty handbook, and board minutes.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.7: Clearly Defined Organizational Structure—institution has
clearly defined/published organizational structure that delineates
responsibility for the administration of policies. Documentation
would include administrative organizational charts, position
descriptions, handbooks and manuals, and description of process and
procedures for decision/implementation/evaluation of major policies.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.8: Qualified Administrative/Academic Leadership—institution
has qualified administrative and academic officers with experience,
competence and capacity to lead. Documentation includes
organization charts as well as officials’ position descriptions, CVs,
and written performance evaluations.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.9: Defined/Published Faculty and Staff Appointment Policies—documentation
would include faculty and staff manuals as well as proof that
appointees informed about the appointments as well as policies
affecting them.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.10: Periodic Evaluations of Administrators—this would
include the chief executive officer and can be documented by the
specific periodic evaluation process as well as how resultant findings
are used to improve performance.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.11: CEO Control of Athletics—this standard is not applicable
to MUSC.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.12: CEO Ultimate Control of Fundraising—documentation
includes CEO position description, related fundraising position
descriptions, organization charts depicting relations, relevant
procedures and manuals, and minutes of any official fundraising
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.13: Agreements With Instruction-related Foundations—all such
foundations not controlled by the institution have formal agreements
accurately describing relationships, includes any liabilities, and
ensuring relationship consistent with institutional mission.
Documentation required would be bylaws of each such foundation, their
publications, their mission statements, and all contracts or formal
agreements with the Institution.
- Comprehensive Standard
3.2.14: Clear Intellectual Property Policies—covering ownership
of student, faculty, and staff materials, compensation, copyright
issues and use of revenue derived from creation/production of
intellectual properties. Documentation includes administrative,
academic and student policies governing intellectual properties.
SACS Governance Committee
Lisa P. Montgomery, chair;
Melvyn Berlinsky, MUSC trustee; Dr. Sharon M. Bond, College of Nursing;
Michael T. Drake, student, College of Medicine; Jim Fisher, vice
president for Development; Stewart A. Mixon, chief operations officer;
Robert I. Pozner, MUSC Foundation for Research Development; and
Dr. Thomas B. Higerd, MUSC/SACS liaison officer.
Friday, June 9, 2006
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