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Name: Jim Tomsic.

Department: Harper Student Center

How long at MUSC: 14 years.

Family: Wife, Trish, and two cats.

Last book read: The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach.

Current CD playing in your car: An old-school techno mix a friend made in grad school.

First job: Post-undergrad—high school biology teacher.

Ingredient you must have in your refrigerator: Hot sauce.

Fondest childhood memory: Family vacations to Green Bay, Wis., to see my great uncle and watch the Packers practice (got some good autographs, too).

Bad habit: Trying to do too many things at once and thinking I can do them faster than is actually possible.

I'm a stickler about…: Spelling, punctuation and grammar in written materials.

Mentor: My dad.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would you be: A pro cyclist racing in the Tour de France.

Most rewarding thing about your job: Helping people achieve their fitness goals.

Weights or cardio: Cardio.

Favorite restaurant: Gilligan's.

Historical event you would have liked to have witnessed: Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Friday, Jan. 5, 2007
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