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MUSC Rumor Mill separates fact from
Garage parking
Rumor: A rumor is
floating around that MUSC employees will never be able to replace the
Roper employee parking spots in the County Garage. Is anyone looking at
the contract that Roper has with MUSC?
Truth: Roper
employees park in the County Garage because the university is
contractually obligated to provide spaces to Roper as part of the terms
of the purchase of that garage. The Roper agreement has been under
constant scrutiny since the garage came under the control of MUSC;
however, there has been little room for negotiation because there have
been no options. The pending construction of the new Bee Street garage
now changes that. MUSC requested, and Roper has agreed, that effective
no later than July 1 Roper will decrease the spaces used in the County
Garage temporarily from 700 to 400 spaces. Roper has also agreed that
when the new garage is open, MUSC will have the discretion to assign
some or all of Roper’s contract to the new garage, thus opening the
premium parking in the county garage to MUSC users. Roper officials
have plans to build their own garage.
for the new hospital
Rumor: I heard a
waiting list will be available to employees for the future 1,500- car,
eight -story parking garage for the new hospital.
Truth: Initially, the
Bee Street garage will be dedicated to employee and student parking,
with patients and visitors to the new hospital parking in the Courtenay
Drive garage. Based on historical parking utilization data, the 1,500
spaces in the Bee Street garage will allow Parking Management to
make 2,000 guaranteed parking assignments. No waiting list for this
facility is planned. However, should conditions warrant the
establishment of a waiting list, it will be established nearer the time
of occupancy so as to have as current a list as possible and it will be
based on an equitable method, such as longevity.
street parking garage
Rumor: Is it true
that MUSC does not want to maintain the President Street garage now
that not as many people park there? Many lights are out and the
elevator does not work the majority of the time.
Truth: The MUSC
electric shop will repair the lights that are out in Parking Garage II
as a direct result of your observations and input. The MUSC Service
Call Desk (792-4119) is available to respond to all repair requests.
Rumor: Is there any
truth to the fact that equipment in the warehouse may be auctioned off?
Truth: Surplus
property in the Medical Center warehouse is disposed of in a number of
ways. While some of this property is sold and with the revenue
reverting to offset Medical Center operating costs, a major component
of the surplus property program is to give back to the community.
Examples of entities that have benefitted from this program include
local and state governments, school systems, community health service
outreach programs, and overseas missions.
in the cafeteria
Rumor: Is it true
that MUSC takes its time having the cappuccino machine repaired in the
cafeteria because it makes more money off of Starbucks?
Truth: No, this is
not true.
in/out at parking lots
Rumor: I heard that
starting in January all employees will be able to clock-in/out at their
designated parking areas.
Truth: There is no
truth to this rumor. Employees are not authorized to swipe into the
Time and Attendance system until they are in their work area and are
ready to begin work. As a result, employees are assigned to clock
in/out at a time clock closest in proximity to their home department.
(See the Time and Attendance guidelines in Human Resource Management
Policy No. 29, Time and Attendance, which can be accessed via the MUSC
Web site.)
Rumor: The
renovation is beautiful. I noted the overlook on the roof was added to
the building when the renovation was completed. What is the current and
historical function of that part of the building? I have heard
different things.
Truth: The original
building had a roof top monitor much like the one seen today. The
purpose of the monitor was to provide roof top ventilation for the
building. The monitor provides a very similar function today because
the louvers allow outside air to be drawn into the building and to be
heated or cooled as needed by the air handling equipment housed within
the monitor enclosure. [For the history of Colcock Hall, visit]
the joint MUSC/VA hospital
Rumor: We keep
hearing things about funding and plans for the joint MUSC/VA hospital.
We read that MUSC desired the federal government to build the hospital
for $600 million and then MUSC would agree to lease space in the
facility. Then only about $60 million was agreed upon. Does MUSC
not have funding for the new hospital? Were we depending on the federal
government to build the entire thing?
Truth: First, the
request was for planning and design only. This is a necessary first
step and typically is based upon about 10 percent of the total project
cost. Before the money can be appropriated it must be authorized, which
was the purpose of this legislation. In fact, the legislation passed in
the final few hours of the congressional session. The actual
appropriation must be secured in the next congressional session. In
terms of the ultimate project, several different models have been
proposed. The one on which the authorization was based, and which
supports the university’s preferred approach, is for the VA to build
its own bed tower and the shared components.
Rumor: The trees
outside the ER have orange bands on them. Does this means they will be
cut down? If so, can they be removed professionally and carried off?
Truth: The tree
marking in the vicinity of and to the west of the Education
Center/Library Building is a part of preliminary planning activities
related to the Drug Discovery Building and associated landscaping
improvements. Trees that have an orange ribbon are trees that can
remain in place. Trees that have a yellow ribbon will need to be
removed or relocated. Drug Discovery Building activity is expected to
begin in about a year.
Rumor: We have heard
different dates for completion of the dental building. What is correct?
Is it possible to pave a walkway from the Children's Research Institute
(CRI) to Bee Street? The path is really getting muddy.
Truth: The path from
Bee Street to CRI and back through the existing opening in the Bee
Street wall across from 30 Bee St. will be short lived. We expect to
award the College of Dental Medicine Clinical Services Building
construction contract in February, and work on Colcock Hall Parking Lot
should begin shortly after that. The College of Dental Medicine
Clinical Services Building is expected to be completed within two years
of award. The Colcock Hall Parking Lot has received City of Charleston
Board of Architecture approval, but still needs final approval from the
City of Charleston Technical Review Committee (TRC). We will request
final TRC approval and expect to be in a position to award a contract
for that work in March.
Rumor: Is MUSC
contemplating an upgrade of the current wireless system to a Draft N
Truth: We currently
have wireless 802.11b and g, our Voice over IP phones use ‘b’ and most
PC’s are using ‘g’. Due to a performance issue we are converting the
COWs (Computers on Wheels) in the hospital to 802.11a. Although 802.11n
is faster in theory, it can be slower than 802.11g in some
circumstances. We have not tested ‘n’ and have not developed a plan to
convert to ‘n’ at this time.
plans for the old hospital
Rumor: What is the
plan for the old hospital once the new one is built?
Truth: At this time the old hospital will be renovated for use
primarily by adult medical surgical services that are not moving to
Phase I. Space also will be dedicated to pediatric services.
Rumor: In The
Catalyst, Stuart Smith lists increasing inpatient admissions by 2
percent as one of the hospital goals. Is this the correct figure?
Truth: The target is
actually 2.7 percent. The hospital has been so full that it has been
necessary to be on ICU and Med/Surg. However, through better management
of the patient flow, the number of admissions for the first five months
of this fiscal year has grown by more than 7 percent. Therefore, it is
likely that the target of 2.7 percent will be met. Thanks to many
people who have made this possible.
Reproduced from
Friday, Jan. 5, 2007
Catalyst Online is published weekly,
as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of
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