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HR Management to offer training
following training courses are offered by the University Human
Resources Management. To register, visit
For information, call 792-2818 or 792-2657.
Accounting 101
9 a.m. to noon. Module 1:
Jan. 18; Module 2: Feb. 12; Module 3: March 17. All modules will be
held in Room 322, College of Nursing and are for university
administrative personnel only
MUSC financial and administrative support personnel are responsible for
a variety of accounting and financial responsibilities. Accounting 101
is designed to introduce administrators to ‘need to know’ information
regarding these duties; as well as, basic accounting information.
Representatives from MUSC’s Finance Division will offer this training
in a nine-hour certificate program that focuses on daily, monthly and
year-end job responsibilities of administrative and financial support
staff at MUSC.
Business Writing
8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Jan. 29,
Room 803 Harborview Office Tower (HOT)
In this workshop, participants will learn how to avoid mistakes in
everyday business correspondence (e-mails, memos, etc) by getting a
comprehensive, confidence-building review of the basic rules of
grammar, capitalization, word usage, sentence structure, and
punctuation. Participants will also learn how to organize and write
strong, action-oriented business correspondence to get the reader’s
attention and the desired results.
Project Management 101
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 5,
Room 803 HOT
Project Management 101 is an instructor-led class involving a
combination of lecture, multimedia presentations, and hands-on
exercises and activities.
The class includes project management terms; project management
framework; project management fundamentals; project life cycle; roles,
responsibilities, and expectations of project stakeholders and team
members; software development lifecycle and how it interconnects with
the project life cycle. Cost for the workshop is $50. The
intra-institutional transfer may be made out to OCIO-IS and sent to
University Training and Development when registering.
Employee Relations 101
9 a.m. to noon, Feb. 7, Room 803 HOT
This seminar explores discipline as an effective and positive
management tool, using conflict resolution to improve communication and
discussing why grievances are good for an organization. The session
will provide an overview of policies and procedures. Managers are
encouraged to attend.
Anti-Harassment Training
9 a.m. to noon, Feb. 26 and
Sept. 9, Room 803 HOT
MUSC is an equal employment opportunity employer and does not tolerate
any form of harassment or intimidation based upon sex, race, color,
age, religion, national origin, disability or any other factor. This
anti-harassment training provides employees and supervisors with useful
information about harassment and discrimination issues within the
Employee Performance Management
Systems Workshop (EPMS)
9 a.m. to 11 a.m., March 11,
Room 803 HOT
Do you want to know how to properly use the EPMS form? Are you tired of
wondering who to call for information on EPMS? Are you uncertain about
how to complete an accurate and successful evaluation report/session?
In this half-day seminar, you will learn how to use the EPMS to improve
work performance and encourage the growth and development of your
employees. Managers are encouraged to attend.
Teamwork: The Impact of
Communication, Collaboration and Cooperation on Achieving Team Goals
9 to 11 a.m., March 20, Room
803 HOT
This class focuses on how communication impacts teamwork and workplace
harmony. It provides opportunities for the employees to work as team
using their collaboration and conflict management skills. Participants
will be able to identify individual/group behavior/attitudes that
contribute or hinder the accomplishment of an assigned task;
collaborate with the workgroup to brainstorm solutions and plans to
accomplish an assigned task; explain the impact of perceptions on
communication and interaction of individuals in workgroups; and apply
the principles of conflict management in resolving individual and/or
group conflict.
Embracing Cultural Uniqueness
9 a.m. to noon, March 25,
Room 803, HOT
Understanding cultural diversity aspects such as race, age, ethnicity,
and disability is an important basis for creating a respectable
workplace. Participants attending this session will receive training
regarding: communication, cultural competency, embracing uniqueness,
what constitutes harassment, regulatory practices and federal law. This
class will provide participants with an opportunity to apply knowledge
to hands-on case studies. Instructors from the Affirmative Action/EEO
office and the Department of Human Resources Management will provide an
overview of many aspects of cultural competence in the workplace.
Managers are encouraged to attend.
Family and Medical Leave Act
9 a.m. to noon, April 10,
Room 803 HOT
How do I pay my employees when they are on FMLA Leave? Do you have an
employee out of work due to the birth of a baby? Do you have an
employee whose mother or father is in the hospital an wants to be there
with them? Do you have an employee who has had surgery and is out of
work? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you probably
should know more about the Family and Medical Leave Act. What are the
eligible requirements? What is the duration of FMLA? Are absences paid
or unpaid? Participants must be a university employee to attend.
Employment 101
9 a.m. to noon, Feb. 13,
April 22, Aug. 26 and Oct. 7, Room 803 HOT
Selecting the right person for the job is the beginning of a productive
employment relationship. This seminar reviews applicable labor and
hiring laws, interview techniques and record keeping. At the conclusion
of the session, managers will be provided the tools and resources
necessary to conduct interviews and make positive employment selection
decisions. Managers are encouraged to attend.
Understanding Compensation and
10 a.m. to noon, May 13 and
Sept. 18, Room 803 HOT
This workshop is designed to educate hiring managers on the
classification and compensation policy. The following topics will be
covered, but not limited to desk audit, re-classification, salary
differences, salary adjustments, promotions, and Updates. The
instructor will also discuss the process for creating new positions and
descriptions. Hiring managers are encouraged to attend.
Preparing for Retirement
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 8;
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (part 1), May 22 and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
(part 2), May 23; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (part 1) Aug. 21 and 8:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (part 2), Aug. 22; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Nov. 14.
All seminars will be held in Room 803 HOT.
Do you have enough money saved to supplement your retirement income? Do
you know how much replacement income to expect from the SC Retirement
System or the Optional Retirement Program (ORP)? Do you participate in
a tax-sheltered annuity now? This seminar will help you think ahead and
plan better for your future. Will you be eligible for insurance when
you retire? Representatives from the S.C. Retirement System, S.C.
Employee Insurance Program, S.C. Deferred Compensation Program, Social
Security Administration and a financial planning company will be
available to answer questions.
Retired and Ready
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., May
2 and Dec. 5, Room 803 HOT
This workshop is designed for employees who are starting the
retirement process or on the TERI program. Our knowledgeable
representatives will help you tie all of your benefits together and
answer any questions that you have. We will have representatives from
the SC Retirement System, SC Employee Insurance Program, SC Deferred
Compensation Program, Social Security Administration and a financial
planning company.
University Purchasing Card—The
Pcard Refresher Course
9 to 11 a.m., May 14 and
Oct. 15 in Room 408 HOT
During this workshop, participants will discover everything needed to
know to make authorized purchases with the MUSC University Purchasing
Participants will learn: procedure to purchase an item; what can and
can not be purchased; special restrictions for grant purchases;
exceptions to the policy; split transaction; refunds and/or returns;
employee travel on Pcard; and disputes and billing errors.
Friday, Dec. 21, 2007
Catalyst Online is published weekly,
as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at
or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to
Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to To place an ad in The Catalyst hardcopy, call Island
Publications at 849-1778, ext. 201.