Video game screens for eye disorders
by Megan Fink
Public Relations
Millions of elementary school children experience vision problems such
as amblyopia, or lazy eye, that are treatable if found early. Most
schools screen their students with a wall-mounted eye chart that is
easy to memorize. To help provide more accurate results, researchers at
the Storm Eye Institute have validated a software program that screens
children for vision disorders while they “play” a video game.
With a grant from S.C. Physicians Care Charity, MUSC’s Storm Eye
Institute team has beta-tested and scientifically validated the
VisionQuest 20/20 prototype from Amblyopia Foundation of America (AFA),
founded by Storm Eye graduate Jim O’Neil, M.D., now practicing in
Phoenix, Ariz. AFA plans to develop and commercialize the technology,
which also was invented by O’Neil.
Eye Institute chairman Dr. Edward Wilson and South Carolina Physicians
Care Charity’s executive director Gene Beckman watch a Charleston
County student navigate the VisionQuest 20/20 software.
Storm Eye researchers were brought in to provide objective analysis and
identify logistical hurdles the system needed to overcome before
“Computer video-game technology will modernize vision screening
performed at schools,” said Edward Wilson, M.D., Storm Eye chairman.
“The VisionQuest 20/20 prototype testing and evaluation is a shining
example of the value a research university brings to an entrepreneurial
start-up nonprofit. A workable model and an improved software program
are now possible because of the findings Storm Eye documented in its
testing and evaluation.”
In the validation study led by Rupal Trivedi, M.D., Storm Eye
Ophthalmology, 72 children were evaluated using the innovative
software. Unlike the traditional eye chart, VisionQuest (VQ) 20/20
assigns its visual acuity charts at random. This reduction of
familiarity provides a more accurate assessment of vision. Patches and
goggles also were tested against each other to determine which
accessory fared better in screening with the patch receiving better
“As compared to other screening methods, VQ is simple and easy to use
by anyone with minimum training,” stated Trivedi. “It can also test
stereopsis and is good for an epidemiological study, since data is
collected electronically. There are no requirements for expensive
instruments, because it can be done on any school computer; an
available resource in schools.”
Since there are no financial ties to the entrepreneur, Storm Eye
recommend-ations to O’Neil and AFA are unbiased. The software is a step
in the right direction for vision screening; however, a few issues
still need to be resolved, such as snags in access and firewalls.
VisionQuest’s beta phase study in South Carolina examined screening
results of more than 2,700 children attending 74 schools in the state,
including Charleston County. The schools were given the VisionQuest
software, auxiliary supplies and technical support to complete the
testing. The study confirmed the software’s effectiveness, scrutinized
side effects, and compared it to existing vision-screening methods. The
collected information will enable AFA to use the software efficiently
in the future.
Nov. 14, 2008