Humanitas showcases university's rich inner life
by Jonathan Ewart
Public Relations
For the past 12 years, Humanitas has showcased the creative fervor
alive in the individuals that make up the MUSC community. This annual
publication is currently accepting submissions for its 13th edition.
Though relatively small in volume, Humanitas has never lacked artistic
ingenuity and imagination. The unique collection of prose, poems, short
stories and photographs illustrate the artistic talents of MUSC’s
students, faculty and staff.
These literary works are often sublime and picturesque in their search
for a meaning or a truth. They reach the whole gamut of emotions,
giving insight into the authors’ experiences and into the MUSC
“Everyone at MUSC is encouraged to take advantage of this outlet for
creative expression,” said Sanford Manning Zeigler, editor of
Humanitas, and second-year COM student. “Submissions are accepted from
anyone about any topic.”
The latest edition is set to be published in March 2009 and all
submissions should be turned in by mid-January. “We just want to
encourage people to take a second every now and then to reflect on the
kind of work we do on this campus,” said Zeigler.
Following the publication next year, a reception will be held on the
first floor of the Library Education Building in appreciation of all
the contributors. Everyone is invited. The entries will be judged and
$100 will be awarded for the best work in the categories of poetry,
short stories and photography.
Submissions may be taken to 17 Ehrhardt St., Suite 3, or to the MUSC
Library circulation desk; mailed to MSC 250215, Charleston, S.C. 29425;
or e-mailed to humanitas@musc.edu.
Humanitas is a student-run project assisted by faculty advisors. Each
year a new student serves as editor for the publication. The position
for assistant editor, who will take over as next year’s editor, is
currently open. Anyone interested in joining the editorial board can
contact Zeigler at smz@musc.edu.
The concept for Humanitas was initiated by the University Humanities
Committee in the mid-1990s to provide an outlet for the imagination,
talent and creativity of the people on this campus to be shared.
The Humanities Committee, devoted to strengthening the rich inner life
of the university, is composed of one member from each of the six
colleges and the library, one representative from the MUSC
Student Government Association, one member from the Faculty Senate, six
other members from the university at large, and six from the community.
Nov. 28, 2008