by Mary Helen Yarborough
Public Relations
For the staff and clinicians of Family Medicine, establishing its Five
Pillars of Excellence was kind of like identifying positions on a
football team.
Family Medicine staff show a caring team spirit.
Likening the staff of the Department of Family Medicine to a team, Dana
King, M.D., called upon the staff to act as a team and view the current
economic crisis as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
“We want to take MUSC Excellence to the next level by adapting the Five
Pillars (People, Quality, Service, Growth),” said King. “The university
has provided the goals. Now we need to customize and personalize them
for the good of our patients.”
King shared a story about Family Medicine employee Joe Greene, who played football for N.C. State University.
“During his time as a football player there, they had a saying, ‘The
strength of the pack strengthens the wolf, and the strength of the wolf
strengthens the pack,’” King said. “In the Department of Family
Medicine, the strength of the whole department (team) strengthens each
of us, and the skills and resources and dedication of each of us
strengthens the team (department).”
When the staff, managers and King were working on defining the five
pillars to their tasks and goals, they learned that identifying the
many services and qualities that already exist. The challenge was
narrowing everything down to just five symbolic headings, which in
their case represent the demonstration of compassion, dignity, care and
accessibility to patients from around the area.
The symbols were pulled from two simple words, “We Care,” which formed a type of acronym for how much “we care” means:
WE, as in WElcoming and friendly;
C for quality Care;
A, as in Access; or specifically easy access and availability to patients;
R for Referrals, and a commitment to have all referrals to be prompt and of high quality;
E for Efficiency: maintain a clean, efficient office with excellent through-put, and short waiting times for patients.
We Care buttons and posters were made, worn and displayed during the
week demonstrating the entire staff’s commitment to the mission.
Friday, Dec. 5, 2008