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To Medical Center Employees:
Earlier this week we kicked off the annual Medical Center Employee
Perspectives Survey. The survey will run for a three week period until
July 6 and we are seeking 100 percent participation. The survey results
will be used to measure our progress toward making the medical center a
great place to work and to set goals for the future. The survey results
will be widely communicated and action plans to address opportunities
for improvement will be developed.
Press Ganey Associates, a national survey firm, is conducting the
survey for us. Managers have been given survey instructions and random
personal identification or PIN numbers for employees to use in
completing the Internet-based survey. The computer training rooms have
been reserved for employees who do not have direct computer access, and
assistance will be on hand as needed.
Completed surveys will be anonymous. Individual responses will not be
reported. The data will be analyzed by department or group level and
organizational level. Findings from small departments (less than three)
will be combined into larger work groups to provide added
During the next two weeks Press Ganey will be routinely reporting to us
the number of surveys received and this information will be
disseminated to departments to keep us abreast of our participation
rates. Again, our goal is 100 percent participation. Anyone who has
questions about the survey should contact their manager or Jane Scutt
at 792-1839 or
On another matter, at the June 17 management communication meeting
Helena Bastian, director, Medical Center Human Resources, discussed our
need to be mindful of the MUSC computer use policy. An audit of
computer use revealed a substantial amount of Internet bandwidth is
consumed MUSCwide by individuals who routinely log on to streaming
audio and video sites. When there are many devices around campus
connected to streaming audio and video sites, required bandwidth is
unavailable for business-related needs. Visit
to access the article in The Catalyst. Everyone’s
cooperation is needed to ensure we use our computer resources
appropriately and comply with the policy.
Finally, we are now into hurricane season. Everyone should be familiar
with Medical Center Weather Emergency Plan Policy A-64, Staffing During
Emergencies and Disasters Policy A-42 and department-based plans.
At the June 17 communications meeting Al Nesmith, director, Safety,
Security, Volunteer & Guest Services, and Brian Fletcher, clinical
disaster preparedness coordinator, reviewed elements of our emergency
preparedness plan and issued the 2008 General/Emergency Information
cards (known as green card) which provides information to obtain
work-related instructions during emergencies. Managers were asked to
disseminate the green cards to employees.
In the near future Rob Fowler, chief meteorologist for Channel 2, will
attend a management communication meeting to present the outlook for
this year’s hurricane season as he has done in years past. We are very
grateful for the close relationship we have with Mr. Fowler and his
Channel 2 associates and for all the up-to-the-minute weather
information he has shared with us during the years as storms have
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical
Operations and Executive
Director, MUSC
People—Fostering employee pride
and loyalty
Disaster preparedness
Nesmith, director of Safety,
Security and Volunteer Services, shared
details of the medical center’s disaster preparedness plan for
hurricane season. Nesmith reminded managers to check their department’s
emergency supply cabinet inventory. Managers should list needed items
on an IIT form and bring the signed, completed form, along with a cart,
to the Equipment Distribution Center (EDC), first floor, Children’s
Hospital. The EDC staff will assist in filling supply orders and
processing IITs.
During hurricane season, managers are reminded to post the designated
employee list somewhere within the department/unit area to inform all
employees. All employees should be aware of their status and assignment
to respective work teams (i.e. Teams A, B or C). Nesmith reminded
managers to protect all office equipment by covering computers and
devices with plastic, unplug all equipment and verify that all windows
are closed and secured.
All medical center employees will receive a 2008 Medical Center
Employees General/Emergency Information “green card” and magnet.
Emergency worker hang tags may be picked up in the Safety Office, Room
201, main hospital, 792-6902. Designated employees are reminded that
they may be required to remain at work for up to 72 hours during a
disaster/emergency and that they must check in with their
supervisor/manager. Each employee is responsible for assembling the
items listed on the designated employee item/supply list. The items
included are: personal medications, water, food—canned foods,
bread (loaf), crackers, sleeping bag/materials, employee identification
and other items.
General MUSC and emergency information can be found at 792-MUSC.
Departments also may use this information system for general
communications as needed. The “green cards” will be revised after July
to include new MUHA Service Line Leadership.
Visit the disaster resources toolbox,
to gain access to valuable disaster preparedness and response
Steve Paterniti, Business Development and Marketing Services, explained
details about accessing weather emergency information/topics via the
Internet. Managers should pre-plan the content of their departmental,
operational and current status information prior to recording. Basic
information should include name, dates/time of record, nature of
weather emergency, and other expectations. Full instructions for using
this system will be distributed at a later date.
On July 1Rob Fowler of WCBD TV-2 will provide hurricane season
predictions and other information for the MUSC Medical Center
Communications group.
Clinical disaster call tree
Brian Fletcher, clinical services disaster preparedness coordinator,
spoke about the clinical disaster call tree. Fletcher reminded managers
that there are two MUSC clinical disaster call trees, the medical
university hospital and ART. Call trees will be activated during a
confirmed disaster or emergency as secondary form of communications
supporting the hospital’s admit transfer center staff as they inform
clinical departments about an emergency. The system also can be used to
immediately confirm hospital bed and census counts, plus evacuation
planning. The Clinical Disaster Call Tree also serves as a reference
for System Fail Phone telephone numbers specifically for clinical
departments. Fletcher urged all managers to print a hard copy of both
clinical disaster call trees and place in the departmental emergency
response plan notebooks. Call trees, departmental call trees and other
time-sensitive information should be reviewed and updated on a monthly
basis, but at least quarterly, to ensure accurate information in
preparation for Joint Commission surveys.
HR update
Helena Bastian, HR director, gave the following report:
Selecting Talent Sessions are available through the end of
June. Registration is via CATTS. Any questions should be directed
to Karen Rankine, 792-7690.
Primary Source Verification of required credentials is due at the time
of renewal. Department managers are responsible for documenting
verification, which should be maintained in the unit/department file
and information entered into CATTS. Questions regarding
primary source verification, call Latonia Allen, 792-2805. Visit
In preparation for the Joint Commission’s upcoming surveys, Human
Resources will be conducting departmental
file reviews beginning June 23. HR
will schedule dates with managers.
Quality & Patient Safety interim director Chris Rees also announced
that his team is currently working with hospital leadership to support
a plan to conduct more hospital rounding, especially in ART, in
preparation for Joint Commission visits. Recommen-dations from rounding
will be immediately shared with managers and staff in order to meet
Employee Perspective Surveys—The survey has opened and will continue
until to July 6. Managers are to encourage staff participation.
Computer labs, Room 220, Clinical Sciences Building, and Room 271, main
hospital will be open throughout the survey period. See schedule at
Employees also can access the survey online at
Inappropriate Internet usage—A recent OCIO audit found that a
significant amount of Internet bandwidth has been consumed by employees
who routinely log on to streaming audio/video sites that do not
directly support the MUSC mission.
When hundreds of devices are connected, the significant amount of
bandwidth is unavailable for legitimate communications needs—slowing
all systems.
Continued usage would be considered inappropriate use of MUHA
equipment and thus a violation of MUHA policy.
to access the article in The Catalyst.
Service—Serving the public with
compassion, respect and excellence
Forinash, director, Support Services, Office of
OCIO, and project leader of the Computerized
Provider Order Entry (CPOE), gave a project update. CPOE is
one of the remaining core modules in the medical center’s suite of
clinical products focused on enhancing patient safety ,
which includes ClinDoc, AdminRX and the Pharmacy System.
CPOE provides the functionality for physicians and
other care providers to enter orders directly into the
system. The program is designed to improve patient safety by
eliminating the ineligibility of hand-written orders and providing
alerts that can prevent physicians from entering duplicate orders
or orders that are in conflict with patient conditions or allergies.
A pilot go-live and parallel test of CPOE pilot was conducted on
3W/ART from June 11-14. A physician rounding
team served at the core of the test, entering orders on the system
and on paper for all of their new admissions for the first day,
then carrying out the test for the remainder of the
period. Nursing staff managed the orders using the Care
Organizer tool - eliminating use of paper kardex at the
time. Participants were pleased with the pilot outcome. A
post assessment meeting with all pilot participants was conducted
June 17. Results will be compiled and shared with the
eCareNet Steering Committee on June 25. Forinash thanked
Jennifer Minick and Melissa Meara and the 3W/ART nurses for
their leadership and active engagement in the project.
Finance—Providing the highest
value to patients while ensuring financial stability
Logan, Purchasing/Accounts
Payable manager, reviewed details relating to changes with MUHA’s
P-Card program. Logan implemented the P-Card Program to MUSC in 1998
for small dollar transactions. When the hospital authority was created
in July 2000, an authority card program was implemented for small
dollar transactions and blanket order transactions. The authority card
program grew to be the largest program in the State of South Carolina.
The P-Cards have been credited for dramatically helping to reduce
paperwork, save time, and to expedite hospital supplies. There was one
draw-back to having supplies purchased via P-Cards. It was difficult to
capture the item details for the supplies being purchased on P-cards.
This information is critical to achieving cost savings for the
In an effort to reduce costs, MUHA introduced the Pathways Materials
Management (PMM) system to allow departments to order supplies via
Web-based transactions and the Internet. PMM led to the development of
the medical center’s item master list, which provides the details of
hospital items ordered. As a result, there is now an item master list,
which is proving to be a valuable resource for making good business
decisions. PMM has provided the tools to create a Just-in-Time
inventory using Cardinal’s Valuelink Program. As a result, automated
patient charges and automated inventory replenishment can be fully
implemented. Since July, 2006 the item master list has grown to
more than 24,000 items. Use of these new systems has reduced the
reliance on P-Cards for supplies by more than 70 percent while still
maintaining the same level of service.
Other PMM benefits being realized include: increase of buying power;
verification and reduction of supply costs, increased standardization;
improved inventory tracking/history, contract management; electronic
ordering/receiving/invoicing. PMM also greatly improves interfacing
with various other MUHA systems.
PMM has been implemented in Central Supply, Main OR, Ambulatory Care
OR; Lab Services; Radiology, DDC, Equipment Distribution Center;
Critical Care and the Heart Center. Departments currently involved in
implementing PMM include: the Storm Eye Institute (Mount Pleasant) OR
Equipment and Sterile Processing. Other areas that will be added are:
Peds Cardiology, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy and Occupational
Logan emphasized that the plan is not to eliminate MUHA’s use of
P-Cards, but to identify supply items that should be ordered via PMM,
thus reducing overall costs.
- Alan Edwards is the new business manager in Oncology
Medical-Surgical Services. Edwards will support the reorganized
department, which will be known as of July 1, as Oncology and
Professional Services.
- The next communications meeting is July 1.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Catalyst Online is published weekly,
as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at
or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to
Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to To place an ad in The Catalyst hardcopy, call Island
Publications at 849-1778, ext. 201.