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Currents June 3
To Medical Center Employees:
One of the medical center goals under the MUSC Excellence people pillar
is to improve employee satisfaction. The key measure we are using to
gauge employee satisfaction is the Employee Perspectives Survey. We use
the survey results to measure organizationwide progress during the past
year, to measure the performance of leaders and as a baseline for next
year’s goal.
During the period of June 16 through July 6, we will conduct our third
annual Medical Center (Hospital Authority) Employee Perspectives
survey. We will use Press Ganey Associates, a professional survey firm,
to conduct the survey as we have done the past two years.
We are striving for 100 percent employee participation. Every medical
center employee will have an opportunity to voice his/her opinion.
Press Ganey Associates will process the data. The results will be
aggregated by department and by the total organization. Individual
responses will be confidential. We will roll out the results as we did
last year and develop departmental and organizationwide action plans.
The survey will include approximately 80 questions and will also
collect open-ended comments on “the best thing about working for MUSC”
and “how improvements can be made.” All surveys will be completed
online. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
All medical center employees will be given additional details soon
including a random personal identification number (PIN), instructions
for survey completion and information on our accomplishments during the
past year.
The computer training room(s) will be open for employees who do not
have direct computer access, and assistance will be available as
needed. Managers will be given a computer training room schedule to
share with staff.
I want to thank everyone in advance for taking part in this survey. In
the meantime, anyone who has questions concerning the Employee
Perspective Survey should contact your manager or Helena Bastian
(792-5098 or or Jane Scutt (792-1839 or
On another related matter, Dr. Pat Cawley, executive medical director,
recently announced plans to conduct the annual Physician’s Satisfaction
Survey. Improving physician satisfaction is also one of the medical
center’s goals. Our physicians should be receiving notification next
week of this survey which will be open for four weeks. Responses to
designated questions in this survey will be used to measure the medical
center’s organizationwide progress and individual leaders’ progress
toward our physician satisfaction goal. Now is a good time for everyone
to remind physicians of your work to make the medical center a great
place for physicians to practice medicine and teach.
Thank you very much.
Stuart Smith
President for Clinical Operations
Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People—Fostering employee pride
and loyalty
Angel Tree co-coordinators Liz Nista and Marian Taylor welcomed
Salvation Army’s public relations director Charlie Hall, who presented
MUSC with the 2007 Outstanding Angel Tree Award. Kim Phillips, director
of MUSC Transplant Program, accepted the plaque on behalf of the
institution. The award recognizes MUSC as the Lowcountry’s largest
employee contributor to the program.
According to Hall, MUSC employee efforts helped approximately 3,655
children (an increase from 2006) and provided more than 9,000 toys (41
percent of the 22,175 total toys/items) for this year’s campaign.
Phillips thanked the MUSC family for their continued generosity and
CPOE and Physician
Satisfaction Survey
Pat Cawley, M.D., MUSC Medical director, updated managers regarding the
Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) project and scheduled pilot
from June 10-13 at 3East/ART. This also will be an opportunity to roll
out other support products.
Cawley also reminded the audience of the upcoming Physician
Satisfaction Survey beginning June 11. Results will help determine the
medical center’s organization and leadership progress. Last year,
organizers reported a 75 percent response rate from the medical
center’s attending physician staff.
HR update
- Helena Bastian, Human Resources director, reminded managers
about upcoming Selecting Talent Sessions for June. There are 14
sessions remaining in June. So far, approximately 25 sessions have been
completed with 407 staff trained. Registration is via CATTS. A
refresher Selecting Talent training session for LDI participants who
attended the December and March LDIs is scheduled for Thursday,
June 26, from 1-5 p.m. in the 2West Amphitheater. Registration is via
- The Employee Perspective Survey is scheduled from June 16
to July 6. The survey, which had a 74 percent participation rate in
2007, will be conducted electronically. Computer labs will be available
during this period. Mangers will receive their department packets,
which include an information sheet, flyers and other communication
tools, during the week of June 9. All employees are encouraged to
- MUSC Hospital Week photo contest winners are
Landscape/Nature—(1st) “Raindrop” Antine Stenbit, M.D., Ph.D.,
Pulmonary; (2nd) “Cascade on the Bay” Lynn Uber, Pharmacy; (3rd) “Beach
Tree” Michael Irving, Clinical Services Administration; People – (1st)
“Agony of Defeat” Priscilla Parker, Business Development &
Marketing Services; (2nd) “God Shined on Jo Jo” Dana Ratliff; (3rd)
“Innocence” Taylor Tucker, Children’s Hospital; Pets—(1st) “Therapy is
Exhausting” Pat Votava, Medically Fragile Children’s Fund; (2) “Cooper
the Golden Doodle” Amanda Farley, Children’s Hospital; and (3rd) “Stop
and Smell the Roses” Angelina Warner, Heart & Vascular Center
- Employee Bake Off winners are: Cake —(1st) Brittany Haire,
Lab, carrot cake; (2nd) Iris Rosemond, Pediatrics Ambulatory Care,
mandarin orange cake; (3rd) Carolyn Thiedke, M.D., Family Medicine,
frozen fudge cake; Brownie/Cookie—(1st) Melissa Brown, DDC, pecan pie
bars; (2nd) Sandra Zambetti, Ambulatory Care Services, chocolate chip
cookies; (3rd) Gina Sanders, Radiology, Plaza Park squares; Other—(1st)
Sarah de Barros, Children’s Hospital, strawberry chocolate truffle;
(2nd) Claudia Powell, Surgical Services, Connie’s cherry cobbler; and
(3rd) Kim Stewart, Ambulatory Care, key lime fudge
Employee Standard of the
Employees should refrain from criticizing MUSC in the workplace and in
the presence of customers. Instead, employees should be willing to
share offer new ideas and solutions to issues instead of making excuses
and placing blame.
Benefit of the Month—June
Mark Stimpson, HR benefits manager, reviewed details about retiree
insurance with the South Carolina Retirement System (SCRS). Rarely
offered by employers today, retirees within the SRCS have an
opportunity of taking medical and dental insurance coverage into
retirement for life. Additionally, the fund may continue to insure
qualified dependents. Retirees who qualify for this funded insurance
will share the same premiums as active employees.
Employees must meet specific criteria to qualify for funded insurance:
- Employees must have 10 years of earned service credit with
SCRS. (*Individuals employed after May 2 or later must have 25 years of
earned service credit to qualify for funded insurance.)
- Must be eligible to retire either with a pension or, for
the ORP, age 59-1/2. (*Does not apply to retiring at age 55 with 25
- Five years prior to retirement an employee must have
consecutive service in a benefits eligible position.
Retirees with 15 years service will receive a subsidy of 50 percent of
the employer share of premiums.
For information, visit
Education roll-out update
Laurie Zone-Smith, Ph.D., R.N., manager, Center for Professional
Development and Clinical Education Resources, recognized 17 members of
the new Education Roll-out Committee (EROC) Oversight Committee. The
group, which meets at 11 a.m. on the first and third Mondays of every
month, reviews and approves topic requests to be presented to the EROC
Committee. Staff can request a presentation and submit a education
topic request (due Noon, Fridays prior to the next EROC Oversight
Committee meeting)
Zone-Smith also reviewed the group’s agenda items for meetings held
April 17, May 1 and May 15 meetings. Topics included Hazardous Drug
Handling and Disposal; MDI Administration for Revised Sitter Policy
(Sitter Policy); Respiratory Therapy to Deliver and ClinDoc Updates.
Quality—Providing quality
patient care in a safe environment
Brannan, director of University Risk Management, announced two
achievements in workplace safety by MUSC. For the ninth consecutive
year, MUSC was recognized with the Commendation of Excellence Award and
the South Carolina Occupational Safety Council’s 2007 Safety
Performance Award. Both awards recognize employers who have the least
amount of lost days due to a work-related illness or injury. The
medical center achieved a .28 rating, while the university attained a
.16 lost-day rating.
TB testing
Pam Fogle, R.N., infection control, reviewed details about tuberculosis
skin tests for new hires. The TB (PPD) test is conducted to screen for
presence of tuberculosis infection. A two-step test is required on all
new hires that cannot provide past history of a negative PPD within one
year of hire; otherwise a single test is required. S.C. Department of
Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) also requires that one of the
tests be conducted within three months of hire. The first test is
conducted during pre-hire with a second booster test conducted
approximately two weeks later. Only completion of a single negative
test is required to begin employment. If a positive TB test is found,
Employee Health refers the person to DHEC for a X-Ray, the presence of
active disease, and treatment as indicated. Managers are reminded to
insure that new employees complete their second test if needed. These
requirements are based on CDC recommendations and DHEC requirements.
Employees can receive the test weekdays, between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., at
Employee Health on a walk-in basis. Call 792-1200. Visit
Finance—Providing the highest
value to patients while ensuring financial stability
Ferraro, YES Campaign coordinator, reminded managers of the ongoing
2008 Yearly Employee Support (YES) Campaign, the institution’s annual
internal fundraising campaign continues throughout June. The yearly
program directly supports the university and its programs.
Since 1988, more than $5 million has been contributed to the
campaign by employees. This year’s 2008 goal is $320,000.
More than 600 funds are supported by the YES Campaign and employees may
choose which fund(s) they want their gift to support. One of the funds,
the MUSC Family Fund, has distributed more than $166,000 to 80 projects
on campus. Some of these projects include the Sickle Cell Sisters,
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Project, Pharmacy Services, SAFE Kids,
MUSC CARES Clinic and more.
Gifts are tax-deductible and can be made via check, credit card,
pledge, payroll dedication on as an online gift. Visit
Financial update
Steve Hargett, medical center controller, presented his report on
MUHA’s unrestricted cash balance and day’s cash on hand as of April 30.
A graph shows a continued decline in the cash balance from a high of
$68.7 million and 35.2 days, in May 2007 to the current $18 million and
8.2 days cash. Hargett provided a comparison of the three month period
ending April 2007 to the same three months ending April 30 to show the
impact of the February’s opening of Ashley River Tower. The average
daily census for both three month periods is the same at 505.
However, opening ART has increased depreciation, interest expense and
salary costs at a rate much greater than the increase in patient
revenue. Volume in May, and so far in June, is much higher than the
same months last year. This increase in volume will help MUHA grow out
of the current cash and income positions.
The next communications meeting is June 17.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Catalyst Online is published weekly,
as needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at
or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to
Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to To place an ad in The Catalyst hardcopy, call Island
Publications at 849-1778, ext. 201.