MUSC family generous, resilient
Dear Friends:
I hope that 2009 has started on a positive note for you and yours.
There were many reminders during the holiday season of the generosity
and compassion of the MUSC family. We concluded our Trident United Way
campaign, and despite the challenges of the economy, we exceeded our
goal of $230,000 to support many worthy projects in our community. In
partnership with the Salvation Army and with support from the MUSC
Transplant Center, Liz Nista, Angel Tree Coordinator, and
co-coordinator Marian Taylor received from MUSC employees and friends
more than 2,000 holiday presents for needy children in the Charleston
region. In addition, more than $130,000 was raised for the University
Employee Furlough Relief Fund . If you have not already made a gift to
this university fund and you are able to do so, please consider making
a contribution by the deadline of today, Friday, Jan. 16.
Without question, the most generous gift of all this holiday season was
the donation of a kidney by Zachary Sutton, a student in the College of
Health Professions, to a recipient that he did not even know. The
transplant occurred on Dec. 17, and both Mr. Sutton and the recipient
are doing well. Our faculty members strive to nurture the values of
caring and compassion in all of our students, and it is clear that our
students can teach us all a great deal about generosity and
selflessness. We thank all of the outstanding clinicians who run the
organ transplant program at MUSC, and we thank Mr. Sutton for his
courageous and inspirational gift.
As the New Year begins, it is traditional to make some resolutions.
Perhaps you have already set some personal goals for yourself this
year. In addition to those individual goals, I would ask that together
we make a collective resolution for the medical university. My hope is
that we can work as a family to serve the people of South Carolina by
coordinating and enhancing the combined talents and dedication of our
extraordinary faculty, staff, and students. There has never been a time
of greater need for us to join together for the benefit of our fellow
citizens, and in serving others, may we find a renewed sense of shared
commitment in the university and its mission.
The challenges of the economy remain at the forefront of our minds.
Gov. Sanford has released his budget for the next fiscal year and
soon the General Assembly will begin its own deliberations on next
year’s budget. The Board of Economic Advisors will issue a report this
week on revenue collections for the current year. Even if revenue
projections are reduced further from the December numbers, we do not
expect a university state budget cut to be enacted at this time.
However, it is likely that one could occur in the next several months.
While we do not know how large such a state budget cut would be, we
have asked the individual units to prepare plans in anticipation of a
reduction so that we can respond quickly and responsibly at the
appropriate time.
Also, similar to the university’s state budget reductions, our hospital
is facing significant financial challenges as it relates to Medicaid.
It is probable that our Medicaid reimbursement for services will be
reduced in the future.
As we move forward in the days ahead, I will do my best to keep you
informed about any changes in the state budget and how we plan to
respond to them. In the meantime, I want to thank you again for all
that you do for the medical university and the people of South
Carolina. In a time when each of us is being tested as never before, we
have the opportunity to demonstrate our resilience and our resolve and
I know that we will rise to the occasion.
With appreciation,
Ray Greenberg
MUSC President
Friday, Jan. 16, 2009