University HR announces training sessions
The following training sessions are offered on campus by the Deaprtment of Human Resources Management. To register, visit http://www.musc.edu/hrm/training or call VeLonda Dantzler at 792-2818. All sessions are held in Room 803, Harborview Office Tower (HOT) unless otherwise noted.
Employee Relations 10: 9 to 11 a.m., Feb. 10
This seminar explores discipline as an effective and positive
management tool, using conflict resolution to improve communication and
discussing why grievances are good for an organization. Managers are
encouraged to attend.
Anti-Harassment Training: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 10
This anti-harassment training provides employees and supervisors with
information about harassment and discrimination issues within the
Employee Performance Management Systems Workshop (EPMS): 9 to 11 a.m., March 24
Do you want to know how to properly use the EPMS form? Are you tired of
wondering who to call for information on EPMS? In this seminar, you
will learn how to use the EPMS to improve work performance and
encourage the growth and development of your employees. Managers are
encouraged to attend.
Employment 101/Selecting Talent: 10 a.m. to noon, April 14
This seminar reviews applicable labor and hiring laws, interview
techniques and record keeping. At the conclusion of the session,
managers will be provided the tools and resources necessary to conduct
interviews and make positive employment selection decisions. University
managers are encouraged to attend.
2003 Microsoft Excel Simple Formulas : 9 a.m to noon, April 9, Room 405 HOT
Learn to create basic formulas and use more advance functions such as
date, mathematical, financial, Logical, data list functions and unusual
uses for formulas and functions. Students observe demonstrations of
look-up functions. Emphasis is placed on designing formulas to be
linked and copied, and linking cells to other workbook pages and files.
Prerequisite: Excel Basics or equivalent skills. Cost $50 via IIT.
2003 Microsoft Excel Formats and Charts: 9 a.m. to noon, Feb. 19, Room 405 HOT
Learn how to use the charting feature in Excel. Learn how to create,
modify, enhance and print charts. Construct a basic spreadsheet and
learn how to create numeric, label and date formats; insert and delete
rows and columns; change column or row width; sort larger workbooks;
and filter. Prerequisite: Excel Basics or equivalent skills. Cost $50
via IIT.
Understanding Compensation and Classification: 10 a.m. to noon, April 21
This workshop is designed to educate hiring managers on the
classification and compensation policy. The following topics will be
covered, but not limited to: desk audit, re-classification, salary
differences, salary adjustments, promotions and updates. The instructor
will also discuss the process for creating new positions and
descriptions. An overview of relevant MUSC policies and procedures in
the state HRM system will be covered. Hiring managers are encouraged to
for Retirement: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. , May 8; 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
(part 1), Sept. 3 and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (part 2), Sept. 4
This seminar will help you plan for your future. Representatives from
the S.C. Retirement System, S.C. Employee Insurance Program, S.C.
Deferred Compensation Program, Social Security Administration and a
financial planning company will be available to answer questions
regarding retirement.
Friday, Jan. 30, 2009