The university’s Finance & Administration Division celebrated its
monthly Employee Appreciation Event Oct. 21 to recognize staff from the
Engineering & Facilities, Finance, and Operations departments who
were nominated during the past month for their commitment to MUSC
Each month, employees with qualifying nominations for the Employee
Recognition Program (ERP) during the preceding month are recognized at
the monthly Event with an MUSC Excellence gift. Employees of the
Quarter are selected by the Rewards & Recognition Committee (RRC)
from the eligible nominations received during the quarterly period. The
nominations exhibit outstanding work-related behavior or activities
relating to the five Pillars of Excellence (people, service, quality,
finance, and growth).
Employee of the Quarter winners
Employee of the Quarter winners are Linda Mitchell, from left, Emily Mills and Geraland Thompson.
fellow co-worker and important member of the payroll team was out on
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for seven weeks. Her entire workload
had to be covered by members of the payroll team or many university
employees’ paychecks would have been affected. The time period in which
the employee was out on FMLA is one of the most demanding time periods
during the payroll year. The nominees stepped in to help out the
department during this critical time. They worked as a team to
determine how best to split the workload and comply with all of the
deadlines, while continuing to provide excellent customer service. By
these employee’s picking up extra duties, the university did not have
to hire a temporary employee to cover the extended absence.”
Nominated by Angela Alford, manager, Denise Reddrick-Spann, supervisor, and Donna Rychwa, supervisor, University Payroll
Michael Bouissey, Parking Management (Operations)
“I contacted Mike to get some dimensions for a sandwich board in order
to have a sign manufactured at the last minute. Critical notification
that affected passengers at Parking Garage II had to be communicated to
insure that they were inconvenienced as little as possible. Time was an
issue since we didn’t get notification about demolition at the
intersection of Jonathan Lucas and President streets until July 21. The
demolition would affect our ability to provide service for PG II. Mike
went above and beyond expectations when he volunteered to send me a
proof of the sign I would need, coordinate with a sign company that
would be able to meet the short time frame for posting the sign, take
us to the sign company in order to pick up the sign, mount the sing on
the board and mount the board to the bus stop sign pole. He could have
given me the dimensions, the name of the business and met my
expectations, but he went way beyond them. His involvement in
procurement of the sign insured that the route change could be
communicated to the riders at PG II to prevent any additional hardship.”
Nominated by John Pigott, Transportation Services
David Alan Jackson, Boiler Room (Engineering & Facilities)
Jackson is an exceptional worker who always goes the extra mile in
fulfilling his job responsibilities. Recently Mr. Jackson was working
on the boilers located at the Hollings Cancer Center Penthouse. His
conscientious attention to his work resulted in his discovery of an
error that had been done by a contractor. The contractor had mistakenly
installed chemical injections at the wrong feed point for the boiler
feed water. The misplacement of the chemical injection resulted in
pitting on the tubes of the boilers. Luckily Mr. Jackson’s discovery
occurred in a timely manner after the installation of this chemical
injection which prevented additional, major malfunctions in the tubes.
Due to Mr. Jackson’s identifying this mistake early, it resulted in
saving work time lost due to an extended boiler shutdown to replace the
tubes and saved MUSC approximately $140,000 in repairs to both boilers.”
Nominated by Thomas Fernandez, supervisor, Boiler Room
PEER Milestone Recipients
The PEER Postcard is an employee thank you card used to recognize
fellow F&A coworkers observed practicing standards of behaviors
consistent with MUSC Excellence in the areas of service, finance,
people, quality, and growth.
PEER recipients for September are Ethel Campbell, from left, Kevin Drayton, Terry Harmon, Harriett Heyward and Carl Southard.
following F&A staff members received PEER Milestone awards for
September: Kevin Drayton, Engineering & Facilities; Terry Harmon,
Student Accounting; Harriett Heyward, Engineering & Facilities;
Delores Mitchell, Accounting Services; and Carl Southard, Purchasing
The next Finance & Administration Employee Appreciation event will be held Nov. 18. All are welcome.
For information on the programs, contact Joyce Oltmann, RRC
coordinator,; Monique C. Robinson, PEER coordinator,; Mellie Klinger, RRC chair,; and
Anthony Dunbar, RRC co-chair,
Friday, Oct. 30, 2009