To Medical Center Employees:
Unfortunately a large lot of seasonal flu vaccine from Novartis was
destroyed due to freezing (rendered ineffective) during shipment to
nationwide distribution centers. The shipment included 13,000 doses
designated for MUSC and this greatly reduces our supply. Our pharmacy
department is working to identify additional sources at this time but
the outlook is not very good.
Specific instructions have been widely disseminated by e-mail
concerning criteria for vaccination of high priority ambulatory
patients and inpatients.
Our original plans to provide vaccine to all employees
have changed. Work is under way to identify high priority employees in
order to make the best use of our vaccine doses. Additional details
will be issued soon and steps are being taken to begin vaccination of
priority groups. Any employees wishing to obtain the seasonal flu
vaccine right away are encouraged to visit their primary care physician
or local pharmacy.
This does not affect the H1N1 vaccine. We expect to receive the H1N1
vaccine in the days ahead and specific instructions will be issued
concerning employee vaccinations.
On another matter, last week we wrapped up 14 town hall sessions
attended by approximately 900 employees. The attendance was down
compared to some previous town hall sessions, but I want to thank
everyone who attended.
While everyone is encouraged to attend town hall meetings, I know it’s
difficult for many to schedule time. Highlights of the town hall were
included in a previous Currents newsletter. The town hall slides will
be posted on the MUSC Excellence Web site (
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People—Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Richard Gadsden, information security office, spoke to
managers about updated policies related to IT security.
Policy changes were made for two reasons -- new state and
federal laws that require MUSC to comply. New data breach notification laws
have been updated that require institutions to inform victims in the event
protected information is lost or exposed. Secondly, because of lessons learned
from security incidents.
Data breach laws
- State
(New) -- S.C. Financial Identity Fraud and Identity Theft Protection Act–(July )
- Federal
(New) -- HIPAA/TITECH (September)–applies to patient information
Security incidents include cyber criminal attacks (hacking,
malware and phishing), loss and theft of laptops, loss of storage media (i.e.
USB thumb drives) and improper disposal of computers and storage media.
Changes to MUSC Computer Use Policy applies to all University,
MUHA and University Medical Associates employees include the following:
- All
users share the responsibility for protecting information and systems and
need to understand and meet their responsibilities.
- Users
of all systems must maintain security of passwords accounts. Passwords
must be kept in strictest confidence and never be shared. Nor should
anyone request password information.
- Attaching
devices to MUSC’s network -- users are responsible for the security of the
device they attach. If a computer or other device has not been secured, it
should not be attached to the network.
- Users
should refrain from storing sensitive information on end-user devices
(desktops, laptops, PDAs, thumb drives, memory cards and communication
devices such as cell phones and smart phones). If there is an unavoidable
business need to do so, then the user must adhere to MUSC standards for
protecting the information, including the use of MUSC-approved encryption
A reminder that anyone within the institution who is aware
of any type of security breach or serious vulnerability that could result in a
security breach, is required to report it.
Device and Media Controls Policy--state law requires only
designated individuals within an organization be certified to “scrub”
electronic media prior to disposal. Employees must not dispose of office computers
and media themselves. Instead, all media must be taken to specific facilities: disks in
good working condition (25 Erhardt
Street); other disks and tapes (main data center);
media that can be shredded (recycling office); and all other media, call
OCIO-IS Help Desk, 792-9700.
EEG, Neuro
June Darby, Neurosciences Service Line administrator,
recognized Clinical Neurophysiology lab services’ Zie Zhang (EEG) and Adam
Kornegay, manager, and Jill Loli (neuro-interoperative monitoring) for their
work in managing the five-year accreditation process in each of these specialty
areas. MUSC is one of the first five national hospitals to receive the
neuro-interoperative monitoring accreditation. The team is currently working to
achieve one final modality accreditation in the neurophysiology lab. Also, the
new 9Center Dr. Phanor Perot Neuroscience Critical Care Unit was dedicated Oct.
8 with a presentation at SEI auditorium.
HR update
Helena Bastian, MUHA HR director, reviewed the following
Human Resources Policies Update (refer to MUHA HR Web site)
- HR
Policy 24 – Americans with Disabilities Act -- Policy revisions to
sections include definitions, details regarding reasonable accommodations,
procedures on online job postings, health screenings for candidates, roles
of supervisor/manager instead of hospital administrator for final
decision, complaints filed within 30 days to University’s Office of Equal
Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
- HR
Policy 38 – Secondary Employment – Deleted FLSA language in Section A
statement: An exempt employee is limited to one shift per week (up to 12
hours) in a non-exempt role in order to maintain exempt status [as defined
by FLSA—deleted].
- HR
Policy 39 – Checkout Procedure and Separations Procedure – Changes to
Section B: Clarify “affiliated entity” as Medical University of South
Carolina as “university” and University Medical Associates as “UMA.” Also
in the checkout procedure, clarified payment process of accrued but unused
PTO (section d & e)
responsibilities: Section A (inserted that a copy of separation notice will be
sent to payroll. Also deleted section, “Request to Pay PTO Form” as this
process is automatic with separation process
Performance Pay:
- Effective
for eligible employees Oct. 11 pay period. Increases to be reflective in
Nov. 4 paycheck.
- No
other pay/status changes will be implemented with the Oct. 11 effective
date. Any PEARS previously sent will need to be amended.
- Probationary
employees employed prior to April 2009 will be eligible for “meets” pay
adjustment. Employees employed prior to Sept. 1 will be eligible to
receive a one percent pay adjustment.
HR should be notified if an increase needs to be withheld due to poor
Open enrollment period – MUHA benefits (Oct. 1 to Oct. 31)
Staff is encouraged to make their changes online via S.C.
Employee Insurance Program at
For information, contact Mark Stimpson, 792-9320 or
792-0826. Visit
October Benefit of
the Month
MUSC’s MoneyPlu$ program is MUHA’s medical flexible spending
account and health savings account that permits eligible employees to pay for
some out-of-pocket medical expenses with pre-tax dollars (Federal, state and
FICA) that are bigger tax breaks than a 401K. Employees can decide how much to
deduct from their paycheck. New employees must complete an enrollment paper form.
Renewals may be conducted online.
Visit the other benefits link under the Medical Center Human
Resources page using the MUHA intranet.
Think Pink Oct. 14
MUSC is a 2009 sponsor of the Susan G. Komen Lowcountry Race
for the Cure. Join other employees between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Oct. 14 in the
Horseshoe. Wear pink for an MUSC Think Pink photo at 12 p.m.
Seasonal influenza
and H1N1 update
Chris Rees, Quality & Patient Safety director, reviewed two
aspects of the medical center’s preparation for seasonal influenza and H1N1. The
first was that a visitation policy is being assessed. All Charleston-area
hospitals are looking into limiting hospital visits of children, ages 17 and
younger and a multi-hospital task force is engaged in evaluating such a plan.
Further details will be released once the task force has completed its work and
made recommendations to the hospital’s leadership.
Rees informed managers that the original seasonal influenza
vaccines dates scheduled for early October is temporarily suspended. Vaccine
manufacturer, Novartis, recently lost a large amount of seasonal flu vaccine
due to improper storage. As a result, the expected shipment due this week to MUSC
was not received. Pharmacy Services is trying to secure alternative doses of the
vaccine. A hospital group is now collaborating to establish a staff
prioritization list of employees who will receive the flu vaccine from
available limited first supply. Employees are encouraged to seek vaccination
elsewhere if one does not want to wait until the medical center receives
additional seasonal flu vaccine. DHEC will provide MUSC with a supply of H1N1
vaccine sometime in mid-October. Once the H1N1 is received, vaccination dates
will be scheduled.
Medical center search
Michael Irving, clinical informatics manager, spoke to
managers about new search options available on the MUHA intranet. The tool is
now available on the search dropdown list of many intranet toolboxes. Users can
conduct a secured search of three areas: the MUHA intranet, clinician order
forms and medical center policies. The search utilizes a Google search
appliance that employs the same logic and algorithms (word/phrase matches) as
the original Google tool, but allows a search within MUHA’s document or Web
collections. Irving
is working with Sujit Kar, Business Development and Marketing Services, and
other staff to further expand these search capabilities. Currently, these tools
are only available within the MUHA intranet firewall.
Quality – Providing
quality patient care in a safe environment
Joint Commission Jeopardy
Joe Avant, University Risk Management and Occupational
Safety & Health, and Carl Kennedy, Outcomes & Quality
Management/Patient Safety, reviewed both environment of care and 2009 National
Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) questions organized in a fun, interactive Jeopardy
week’s game challenged the audience with questions about Wal-a-Roos, Employee
Health Services, PASS phrase, Code Pink, unit specific fire plans and hazardous
waste. Other questions focused on NPSG Goals including universal protocol,
labeling specimens and NPSG #9 fall and injury reduction. To review the 2009
NPSGs visit
Periodic Performance Review
Schaffner, Ph.D., R.N., Clinical Services administrator and chief nursing
executive, spoke to managers about MUHA’s Periodic Performance Review (PPR) action
plan. The review is a compliance assessment tool that helps the hospital with
continuous monitoring of performance and performance improvement activities.
This report card is used for Joint Commission readiness. PPR provides the framework
for standards compliance with a focus on critical systems and processes that
affect the hospital’s patient care and safety.
should review Policy C-116 with staff; review electronic reports and continue
with audits and follow up with staff.
- Chris Zensen,
R.N., has been named interim DD-ICU nurse manager at ART. Zensen was
formerly MUSC Stroke Program coordinator prior to returning to work at the
- Steven
Rublee was named interim IOP administrator.
- The next meeting is Oct.
Friday, Oct. 9, 2009