To Medical Center Employees: At
the Feb. 10 management communications meeting Pat Votava, manager of
Medically Fragile Children’s Program and co-team leader of the MUSC
Excellence Communication Team, announced plans for a “You Make a
Difference” e-mail to all medical center employees to recognize
individuals’ exceptional performance. The plan is to identify
outstanding care and service through comments included in the Patient
Satisfaction (Press Ganey) reports. The Press Ganey super users will
provide the communication team with this information.
Make a Difference recognition will begin with plain text e-mails, but
the communication team plans for these e-mails to evolve into
graphically designed and colorful e-mails with photos.
We are continuing to work hard on controlling costs while ensuring for
high quality and compassionate care. I will be speaking to our
financial situation in greater detail during a series of town hall
meetings scheduled for March. The schedule including times and
locations is listed below. Additional town hall meetings are being
scheduled for some large departments.
We know that many hospitals have observed decreasing patient
satisfaction results as staff morale has been affected by cost
containment initiatives or other organizational change. Our patient
satisfaction scores have remained strong in a number of areas, but we
have some work to do in other areas. Following is a summary of patient
satisfaction results for the current quarter through Feb. 10.
Patient Satisfaction Results
Jan. 1 – Feb. 10
61 (N 426)
91 (N 80)
Emergency Room 77 (N
78 (N 1745)
Behavioral Health 83 (N 208)
While not indicated above, the Digestive Diseases inpatient area scored
the 79th percentile and Heart and Vascular inpatient area ranked the
94th percentile. In the near future we expect to routinely report
patient satisfaction results by service line in this newsletter.
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People—Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Formby, R.N., manager for Infection Prevention and Control, and
Cassandra Salgado, M.D., hospital epidemiologist, praised managers for
reducing infection rates in 2008 compared with 2007 standards within
specific hospital units, thus having made a positive impact on hospital
finances, patient satisfaction and patient mortality. Formby reminded
staff that staff infection preventionists within the department
consistently use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
definitions for health care-associated infections and consistently
apply them across the enterprise. Salgado noted that specific criteria
were utilized to determine which units were eligible for recognition.
Formby and Salgado presented certificates of excellence to
unit/department team nurse managers and infection control
preventionists (IP): Pediatric ICUs (monitor reductions in
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) infection rates and central line
associated blood stream infection rates (CLABSI): NNICU—Kathie Chase,
nurse manager, and Wanda Beardsley, (IP); PICU— Melinda Biller, nurse
manager and Beth Rhoton, IP; PCU—Kim Montgomery, nurse manager, and
Rhoton, IP; Respiratory Therapy (reduction in VAP)– Marian Miller; 7CHB
(reduction in CLABSI)—Karen Ingram, nurse manager and Rhoton IP; Adult
ICUs (monitor reductions in VAP, CLABSI, Methicillin-resistant
staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and/or Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus
(VRE)); 4STICU—Tom Hubbard, former nurse manager and Pam Fogle, IP;
8NSI—Cheryl Holderfield, nurse manager and Mary Allen, IP; MICU—Janet
Byrne, nurse manager and Wanda Beardsley, IP; 4CT/4CCU—Bob Anthony,
nurse manager and Bernadette Garry, IP; Adult Respiratory Therapy
(reduction in VAP)—Jo Anne Sandefur, manager and Donna Bolus, manager,
MICU/8NSI/4STICU. Adult Floor Unit—6W (reductions in MRSA and VRE)—Kari
O’Coin, nurse manager and Pam Fogle, IP.
You Make a Difference Program
Pat Votava, manager of Medically Fragile Children’s Program and
co-chair of MUSC Excellence Communications Team, gave an update by the
team. The communications team includes co-chair Alex Sargeant, Mary
Stoll, Linda Randazzo, Laurie Zone-Smith, Ph.D., R.N., Maggie Thompson,
Stephanie Davis, Michael Irving and Hope Colyer.
The team will communicate new information about new initiatives, remind
staff about “must haves” and promote new tools. Votava reminded
managers that the communications team’s mission is to move information
to line staff in order to provide the best care on a daily basis.
Starting Feb. 12, the team will share a new tool with MUSC employees
called “You Make a Difference,” a mass e-mail from Stuart Smith that
highlights a story submitted by a patient/patient family about an
employee who demonstrates excellence through attitude and service. The
story also will connect to the employee’s department and progress with
their Press Ganey scores.
Service—Serving the public with compassion, respect and excellence
Feather, R.N., manager for Meducare, was available to answer any
questions from managers and staff regarding MUSC’s Patient/Family
Shuttle operations. Feather reported that ridership remains high. A
report showed that more than 800 riders used the shuttle in December.
Jan. 4 was the first day MUSC employees/staff rode the shuttle.
Quality—Providing quality patient care in a safe environment
Rankine, R.N., manager of education and training for MUHA Human
Resources and member of the Joint Commission Interdis-ciplinary Survey
Readiness Rounds team, discussed details relating to the review of
personnel files.
Using the same format for rounding, Rankine reviewed things that have
worked positively. Rankine feels there has been an increased knowledge
of documentation requirements with units/department’s file to comply
with the Joint Commission Human Resources (HR) Standards. Rankine
reminded managers that the HR standards have not changed much. With
increase knowledge is an increase in compliance for docu-mentation
requirements in the file. MUSC’s goal is to provide 100 percent
Areas that need improvement include:
- Orientation
documentation is not complete or not in file—competency based
orientation, unit/department orientation and charge nurse competency
based orientation
- Required certification is not in file or has expired—serious offense
Tools and resources available:
- Personnel File Review Guide is on the MUHA HR Web site
- Personnel File Review
training sessions are held monthly—Next session is Feb. 12, ART
Auditorium (offered alternatively between the main hospital and ART).
Register via CATTS.
- Individual training is also available with managers, administrative assistants or educators
- Personnel file set up (organization) is on the MUHA HR Web site
- Unit/Department
Orientation template for non-clinical employees can be found on the
MUHA intranet Web site. For information, call 792-7690.
The next meeting is Feb. 17.
Organizers have started beta testing in MUHA departments with six
liaisons already trained and five plans in progress.
Hematology/Oncology was the first department to complete their plan.
Next steps include: Identification/verification of departmental/unit
plans are needed; identification of departmental/unit Business
Continuity liaisons; and completion of surveys and development of
uniform BCPs.
Target completion date is April 30.
Standard of Behavior—February
Meredith Strehle, marketing and service excellence manager for
Children’s and Perinatal Services and co-chair of the MUHA Excellence
Standards Team, reviewed February’s best practice and standard of
behavior—keep all interactions positive and discuss internal issues
with those who only need to know. The team is introducing a best
practice of applying the key word “excellence” as a peer-to-peer,
positive cue to all employees to follow the standards of behavior in
the workplace. Look for examples of proper use/application of the code
word in future e-mails and the communications Web site.
HR update
- N-95 Respirator Fit
Testing for February and March—The mass fit testing is open to students
and employees who use this item. An OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation
Questionnaire for fit testing must be completed and signed off by a
registered nurse. Any staff who answers yes must go to Employee
Health Services for an evaluation. Dates are Feb. 9 and 23, 11 a.m. to
4 p.m.; and March 9 and 23, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. All at 2W Amphitheater.
- MUHA’s Tuition Assistance Policy #17 had some modifications to the policy as of October 2008.
Eligible employees must complete Section A: The employee must be
considered by the Authority to be in a regular, permanent position and
have successfully completed the one year probationary period.
Section B—Modified maximum tuition assistance to $5,250 per fiscal
year. Note: The modification of maximum amount applies to requests for
tuition assistance course work received for approval after Oct. 6,
2008. However, the change from calendar year to fiscal year was
effective Oct. 6, 2008.)
Service Commitment is calculated based on one month of full-time employment for each $400 tuition assistance received.
IWR report is available. The report will be modified by Feb. 7-8 to
include payback amount. (Managers should contact MUHA HR for final
payback amount). Employee must sign a promissory note and is
responsible for service commitment or repayment.
Benefit of the Month—February
Mark Stimpson, benefits manager, shared details regarding the change
between Aetna and Prudential for long-term care insurance or nursing
home care insurance. It provides financial help for someone dealing
with a debilitating illness or injury that is unable to perform daily
living activities.
Care may be provided at home or at a licensed facility by a
professional or informal caregiver (friend or relative). Long-term care
insurance supports patients with spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s,
Alzheimer’s or stroke recovery patient.
MUHA HR will offer an open enrollment period to employees from Feb. 16 to March 6.
Employees who enroll during this time can avoid the need to prove good
health. Coverage would begin on April 1 and is completely portable.
Premiums are paid to Prudential and not payroll deduction.
may apply for coverage for spouses, parents, grandparents and
themselves at any time throughout 2009, but need to declare their past
medical history. Prudential has the right to decline coverage based on
To enroll, call (877) 214-6588 or visit
Additionally, a Prudential represent-ative will conduct informational
sessions at the medical center: Feb. 18 , 11 a.m., SEI Auditorium and 1
p.m., Room 628, Clinical Sciences Building; and Feb. 24, 2 p.m. and 3
p.m., 2W Amphitheater.
For an appointment, call 792-9320. Service—Serving the public with compassion, respect and excellence
Feather, Medu-care clinical manager, answered questions re-garding
changes to the Patient and Family Shuttle. The service has expanded
support to include MUSC staff as well as patients and families to ride
a continuous, set route between McClennan Banks, Hollings Cancer
Center, Clinical Sciences Building, Rutledge Tower and Ashley
River Tower. With three separate shuttles, all are on a rotating
Since it is a patient-centered service, the shuttle does not follow a
set schedule. Wheel-chair patients, patients and their families will
always be a priority with this service.
Quality—Providing quality patient care in a safe environment
Stoll, Environment of Care program, updated managers on the Joint
Commission Interdisciplinary Survey Readiness Rounds. Stoll reviewed
the topic of obstructions, especially in all corridors and with fire
safety equipment. She reviewed photos of common obstructions throughout
the medical center. Items such as beds, carts, Wallaroo workstations,
wheelchairs, ladders, and other items can be found in corridors. The
team reviewed needed changes with staff in order to stay compliant.
Mayday carts are the only items that are allowed to be stored in
For bed surplus pick-up, call Environmental Services, 792-4571; For
surplus items, fax PEA form to 876-7004 or call 876-7285/7000. For
special situations, call Safety & Security, 792-6902. Other
questions, call 792-5176.
Melissa Meara Martin, R.N., is the new procedural nurse manager of
Hema-pheresis, Dialysis and Radiology Nursing. Management thanked
Laurie Zone-Smith, Ph.D., R.N., Elizabeth Perry, R.N., Carol Corbin,
R.N., Stephanie Severance, R.N. and Kathie Lubert, R.N., who helped
cover these areas since last July.
The next meeting is Feb. 10.
Friday, Feb. 13, 2009