University F&A
Employees recognized for commitment
Employees of the Quarter
Robert Rentz and Ping Yan, Grants & Contracts Accounting
“This nomination is to recognize Bobby and Ping for the development of
a process to automate our journal entries when we have to correct the
distribution of facilities and administrative costs to sponsored
—Velma Stamp, Director, Grants & Accounting
Patti Kelly, Human Resources Management
many of you know, most salary changes across the university are now
submitted online, through a new e-program called TeamWorks. A committee
was formed to work through all of the issues involved in implementing
this program. While there were many people involved in its
implementation, I would like to give special recognition to Patti
Kelly, HRM’s IT manager, who spearheaded this incredibly complex and
time-consuming project. The hours, weeks, and months that Patti put
into this project helped make it a success. The entire university will
benefit from these efforts for years to come.”—K. Gale O'Neal, Human Resources Managemeni
David Blick, Engineering & Facilities
“During a routine physical, Dr. Keith noticed my fingernails and
ordered a chest X-ray, which led to a diagnosis of lung cancer. As a
result of Dr. Keith’s astute observational and assessment skills, my
cancer was diagnosed very early, which meant that I only had to have
part of a lung removed without any further treatment. Today, I am
cancer free. Had Dr. Keith not suggested the chest X-ray, I’m sure my
cancer would not have been found until much later when the treatment
and outcome surely would have been much worse. I will forever be
indebted.”—Sheryl Weathers, patient
Employee of the Quareter Nominees
David Blick, Engineering & Facilities (October)—winner
Gary Covington, Engineering & Facilities (November)
Sharon Ford, University Purchasing (October)
Patti Kelly, Human Resources (October)— winner
Robert Rentz, Grants & Contracts Accounting (November)—winner
Ping Yan, Grants & Contracts Accounting (November)—winner
PEER Milestone Recipients
From left: Matthew Cordwell, Parking Management, Eula Wise, Accounts Payable; Mike Bouissey, Parking Management.
Not pictured is Miriam Gibson, Human Resources.
The PEER Postcard is an employee thank you card used to recognize
fellow F&A coworkers observed practicing standards of behaviors
consistent with MUSC Excellence in the areas of service, finance,
people, quality and growth.
Appreciation Event
The next Finance & Administration Employee Appreciation event will be held Feb. 18. All are welcome.
If you have questions about the programs, contact
Joyce Oltmann (oltmannj@musc.edu)
RRC Coordinator
Chief Operations Office
701-B Harborview Tower, 792-0888
Monique C. Robinson (robinsmo@musc.edu)
P.E.E.R. Coordinator
Human Resources Management
105-H Harborview Tower, 792-7225
Anthony Dunbar (dunbara@musc.edu)
RRC Chair
Public Safety, 792-6879
Mellie Klinger (klingerm@musc.edu)
RRC Co-Chair
Accounts Payable, 792-3219
You may also contact other members of the Rewards & Recognition Committee
Joseph Avant, avantj@musc.edu; Robert Branson, bransonr@musc.edu;
Tina Chapman, chapmant@musc.edu; Mitzi Fetner, fetnerm@musc.edu; Andrew Nelson, nelsoa@musc.edu; K. Gale O’Neal, onealk@musc.edu
Friday, Feb. 13, 2009