To Medical Center Employees: At
the Feb. 24 management communications meeting Steve Hargett, MUHA
controller, updated the management team on the medical center’s
financial status. His comments are included in this newsletter. We have
made good progress most recently due to our high patient volume and
cost savings initiatives. We expect that we will not end the year with
a deficit.
As mentioned in a previous Currents, the State Department of Health and
Human Services’ reimbursement formula for Medicaid resulted in
overpayment of hospitals throughout the state for past fiscal years
(2004, 2005 and 2006). This hit us particularly hard due to the fact
that nearly 20 percent of our revenue is Medicaid. We have to repay
these overpayments. We repaid for 2004 last year, and this year we are
repaying for both 2005 and 2006, which amounts to approximately $22
million. Next year we will be in a much better position to achieve a
reasonable financial margin once we have this behind us.
On another matter, at the communications meeting Gwen Brown, business
operations coordinator, Ambulatory Care, and member of the MUSC
Excellence Behavioral Standards Team announced the Standard of the
Month for March is the 10/5 rule. The 10/5 rule means we are to
acknowledge a person 10 feet away by making eye contact and smiling and
at five feet away we should say hello.
This 10/5 rule can be viewed as the first step of AIDET. Some areas are
doing a great job in consistently using AIDET while others need to
refocus their attention on taking it up a notch. AIDET training can be
arranged for departments by contacting Karen Rankine, education and
development manager, at or 792-7690.
Finally, please remember the next series of town hall meetings are
scheduled for March. In addition to the published schedule, some town
hall sessions will be conducted as part of staff meetings for large
Town hall meetings
The town hall meetings will be held Monday, March 9, 3:30 p.m., IOP
auditorium; Tuesday, March 10, 2 p.m., 2W amphitheater; Wednesday,
March 11, 7:30 a.m., 2W amphitheater; Friday, March 13, 10 a.m., ART
Auditorium; Monday, March 16, 11 a.m., SEI Auditorium; Tuesday, March
17, 11 a.m., ART Auditorium; Wednesday, March 18, 11 a.m., SEI
Auditorium; Thursday, March 19, 3 p.m. SEI Auditorium, Monday, March
23, 3 p.m., ART Auditorium; and Tuesday, March 24, 11 a.m. IOP
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People—Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Fletcher, R.N., Clinical Services Disaster Preparedness coordina-tor,
reviewed some of the 2009 Joint Commission emergency management
requirements that will affect clinical and non-clinical areas. Fletcher
outlined the attestation requirement worksheet; change/review notice
sheet; emergency supply cabinet checklist and clinical interventions.
Joint Commission requires that 90 percent of staff understand their
role and responsibility during an emergency event. To verify this,
staff should read the emergency operations plan and submit a signed
attestation sheet, which should be placed in the departmental emergency
response plan notebook. Also any changes made to the departmental
notebook should be entered on a change/review sheet and placed in the
notebook. During the hospital’s Joint Commission Survey Readiness
Rounds, staff found that unit emergency supply cabinets had
missing/damaged equipment. Staff should conduct a monthly review of
their emergency supply inventory and restock items using a
Finally, the clinical intervention for failure of equipment/utility
system failure should be placed in Appendix I of the Departmental
Emergency Response Plan. The plan should be referred to at anytime
there is a system failure (power, medical gas, etc.) within the
unit/department. All worksheets and checklists are available via the
disaster toolkit on the MUSC intranet.
Other information to roll out in March includes the medical center’s new bomb threat and mass casualty incident plans.
HR update
- Primary Source Verification— Renewals for staff must be verified prior to the expiration date.
- New hire
references—HR conducts employment, education and criminal background
checks. HR contact the hiring manager should there be an unfavorable
reference/discrepancy. For internal hiring/staff transfers, managers
should communicate with the employee’s previous manager. Call MUHA HR
for further assistance.
- HML Training—Roll out
of the High/Middle/Low performance training is scheduled March 3 during
MUHA town hall meetings, 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., Baruch Auditorium. An
HML panel discussion is scheduled at 10 a.m., April 6, March 24 and 1
p.m. (one hour), Rm. 628 Clinical Sciences Building.
- HR Training—Personnel
File Review, 1 p.m., March 9; Selecting Talent, 8:30 a.m., March 11;
AIDET Refresher, 9:30, March 12; Medical Terminology, 10 a.m., March
18; Management Orientation, March 20, 26 and April 2; Plan for Your
Future, 12:15 p.m., March 23; Basic Finance/Financial Planning, 8:15
a.m., March 24; HML, 10 a.m., March 24 and Disciplinary Process, 1
p.m., March 25.
Standard of behavior—March
Gwen Brown, Ambulatory Care business operation coordinator, talked to
managers about the 10/5 rule as March’s Standard of Behavior. Brown
explained that reviewing this rule— making eye contact with people at
10 feet and speaking/acknowledging them at five feet—helps employees
refocus on behaviors and hardwires best practices. Brown also reminded
managers to continue use of the key word “excellence” as a peer-to-peer
cue to follow the standards of behavior in the workplace.
eCareNet update
Mark Daniels, patient support systems team manager, updated managers on projects:
- ECareNet Viewer
(OACIS)— Medications (eMAR) view has been revised. Active medications
for current encounter is now the default view; Adult ClinDoc data now
available; finalizing diabetes/insulin monitoring screens; critical
care specific review screens are in development and other tasks are in
work queue
- Clinical
Documentation Package (ClinDoc)—review/update of Critical Care 24-hour
record; data flowing to eCareNet repository; work continues on
psychiatry screen designs; plans to review interfaces for physiological
- Bedside Med Administration Project (AdminRX)—live and operational; no changes at this time (follows ClinDoc implementation)
- Computerized
Physician Order Entry (CPOE)—Live on three units. Two other units are
scheduled to go live and one unit in the implementation phase; orders
viewable in eCareNet viewer; current issues include—workflow
(procedural areas); order management and managing order set changes
Quality—Providing quality patient care in a safe environment
Dunning, R.N., risk manager, presented information about Joint
Commission Survey Readiness Rounds and sentinel events. The Joint
Commission defines a sentinel event as something that signals the need
for immediate investigation and response. Examples of a sentinel event
include wrong site surgery, unintended retention of a foreign object
during surgery/procedure; death or major permanent loss of function
that is the result of a medication error; fall or trauma occurred in
the hospital, etc. The goal is to improve patient care and prevention
of future sentinel events. Details are available in the leadership
standard 040405 under elements of performance or MUHA’s Policy C-49
“event investigation and analysis.” For survey readiness, staff will be
evaluated on compliance to standards; process for responding; interview
staff to sentinel events; and review a completed root cause
Finance—Providing the highest value to patients while ensuring financial stability
Hargett, medical center controller, presented the financial report
stating that the hospital has been making substantial, positive
improvements since the last quarter. For the first three months of
FY2009, MUHA lost $8.7 million and gained $2.6 million (October to
January) resulting in the - $6.1 million loss year to date.
The average census during January was 528 patients per day, volume
indicators were up with inpatient/outpatient surgeries, ER visits, etc.
Last year, costs and productivity averaged $37 million/month (from
February to June 2008). Since then, MUHA has implemented cost savings
measures such as flexing staff to volume and converting traveler
nursing staff to employees that resulted in average compensations costs
of $32 million/month.
Projection for the June FY2009 is at or close to break even. Finance
director John Cooper has been working with state Medicaid personnel
that should result in $10 million to $15 million payment for fiscal
year 2008 costs.
Medically Fragile Children’s Program will close March 31. Children’s
Hospital administrator John Sanders thanked Pat Votava, director, and
Stephen Goldbold, Children’s Hospital’s business manager, for their
leadership and commitment to the program
Friday, Feb. 27, 2009