For their outstanding contributions to the Institute of Psychiatry
(IOP), six nurses were recognized as part of the annual IOP Nurses of
the Year for which a cake-and-punch reception was held and each nurse
was honored by their supervisors and peers.
Nurses of the Year from left are Gene Woodall, Claudia Davis,
Mack Sheider, Angela Richards, Damian Millet and Deborah Bauer.
Damian Millet—A
strong guiding force for 3N during this year of many transitions, he is
the perfect example of excellence in psychiatric nursing and
leadership. His skills in providing trauma-informed care have resulted
in very low seclusion rates on 3N and patients always name him as
especially helpful on satisfaction surveys. Millet is a great teacher,
having guided a number of nurses, including new graduates who are doing
well due to his precepts. He served as interim manager for 3N and
achieved RNIII status this year. In addition to being an IOP Unit Nurse
of the Year, Damian was selected as one of the top five staff nurses
for the medical center.
Mack Sheider—A
clinical nurse on the 2 North unit at the IOP, he is by all standards a
true team player. He is always there for support for each and every
staff member on his unit. Sheider readily serves as floater to all
units and does so with a positive attitude; willing to pitch in and
help as needed. He offers excellent therapeutic skills to the patients
and families in a calm and supportive approach.
Claudia Davis—A
wealth of knowledge from her years of experience in the IOP system,
Davis is invaluable to the unit. She knows what to do and who to call
for any need. She works hard and pitches in with any task, large or
small. She is cool under pressure, which is very helpful with the high
management population on 1N. She is an excellent clinician and peer.
Davis is organized, efficient and multi-talented. In addition to her
unit role, she helps in the House Staffing Office covering IOP. She is
respected by all, nurturing, caring, positive and confident.
Gene Woodall—A
clinical nurse 5 on the 4 North unit, Woodall supports a team approach
to patient care and consistently provides high quality patient care. He
demonstrates effective problem solving to assist in successful
resolution of patient and family issues. He also offers excellent
training to student nurses. In addition, one of the traits that people
like about Woodall is that he creates a fun-working environment,
because he uses humor in a very effective manner.
Angela Richards—With
a positive attitude and a smile on her face, Richards is well liked by
all staff, and she is a great role model for teamwork. She is flexible
and adaptable to the changing needs of the unit and the larger
organization. She is calm and thoughtful in her approach to the work at
hand. Richards provides excellent patient care and is professional and
respectful in all communications. She is a valuable asset to the
treatment team who look to her for input in decision-making in the care
of seniors.
Deborah Bauer—Exemplifying
MUSC Excellence in her dedication, Bauer provides the best
service to the STAR and IMPACT programs, and by the high quality of
care she consistently provides. Her kindness and compassion toward her
young patients and their caregivers is inspiring. She goes out of her
way to recognize the patients’ strengths. Her door is always open for
others who seek a kind and attentive ear or to provide sound clinical
direction. Bauer is always seeking ways to make the programs better for
patients, caregivers and staff.
Friday, May 22, 2009