Gail W. Stuart,
Ph.D., R.N., College of Nursing (CON) dean, was appointed to the
National Advisory Council for Nursing Research (NACNR), the principal
advisory board for the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
The council provides the second level review of grant applications
submitted to the NINR, and recommends which applications should be
approved and considered for funding. These recommendations are based
not only on considerations of scientific merit, but also on the
relevance of the proposed project to the institute’s programs and
priorities. In addition, the council reviews the institute’s extramural
programs and also makes recommendations about its intramural research
activities. The 21-person council consists of six ex-officio members,
and 15 members appointed by the secretary. Each member serves a
four-year term.
Stuart also is a tenured distinguished university professor in CON and
a professor in the College of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences.
Friday, May 29, 2009