To Medical Center Employees: Our
Employee Partnership Survey results from the past three years have
indicated improving performance evaluation is a top opportunity. One of
our organizationwide action plans included an overhaul of the
evaluation policy and tool.
I am pleased that good progress is being made to implement a new
performance management process beginning in July. The new policy and
system will ensure for fairness and consistency and recognition of
performance. It will provide a structure for alignment with
organizational goals and will hold leaders accountable for good
Key components of the new evaluation policy include emphasis on our
behavioral standards, job-specific competencies, job responsibilities
and pillar goals for everyone. The new policy calls for a universal
review period (July 1 through June 30) and an October performance/merit
adjustment subject to our ability to fund. We are currently in a
transitional phase as we prepare to begin the new evaluation cycle in
Coupled with the new policy, we will be implementing a new
Internet-based system called “SuccessFactors” in July. The new
evaluation form will be embedded in the system. This new system will
serve to improve communication, recognition and accountability.
At the June 2 communication meeting, Maggie Thompson, Service
Excellence manager, Ambulatory Care and Kim Duncan, HR Information
Systems manager, updated the management team on implementation plans.
Additional details are included in this newsletter.
In the weeks ahead there will be a significant amount of communication
and education concerning the new evaluation system. There will be a
learning curve, but I am confident the new performance management
process and system will be well received.
On another matter, our Behavioral Standard for June is “Manage Up”
through AIDET. Our Benefit of the Month is “MUSC Family Medicine
Employee Advantage Same Day Clinic.” The standard and benefit of the
month should be posted on all communication boards and communicated
during departmental meetings. For additional details please see
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
People—Fostering employee pride and loyalty
MUHA's Isabel Detzler, coordinator for Interpreter Services &
Cultural Competency, gave an update on the medical center’s language
access/interpreter services program.
Detzler reminded managers that these services provide language access
assistance for patients/families that require it as mandated by the
Joint Commission (JC). It can be provided in person, by use of
assistive devices, telephone or video.
She emphasized that “communication breakdowns, whether between care
providers or care providers and their patients, are the primary root
cause of nearly 3,000 sentinel events reported to the JC.”
Interpreter services has 16 staff interpreters who provide
round-the-clock coverage of inpatient and outpatient areas at the
Children’s Hospital, Medical University Hospital, ART and IOP as well
as Rutledge Tower (60-plus clinics), Hollings Cancer Center (18
clinics), IOP, SEI (adult and peds) and Women’s Center at Cannon Place.
Policy updates were made to foreign language interpreters (A-30).
Policy A-28 and A-29 merged into a single policy (A-29) stating that
interpreter services now coordinates American Sign Language (ASL)
interpretations. Staff must call Pacific Interpreters directly for any
language other than Spanish. If Interpreter Services cannot assist in a
timely manner, managers also may use Pacific Interpreters for Spanish.
Clinical staff should use language identification cards and wear
interpreter information badges which have contact and pager
information. Detzler reminded managers that using the cards and badges
meets JC compliance. The list of ASL contracted interpreters is
available at For
emergencies, MUSC recently contracted with LifeLinks for video
interpretation of deaf and hard of hearing patients. The ASL video
interpretation equipment is located in 5E, the adult ED and Chest Pain
Center at ART. For information, call 792-5078 or e-mail
SuccessFactors update
Maggie Thompson, service excellence manager, Ambulatory Cares and Kim
Duncan, MUHA HR, both members of the SuccessFactors implementation
team, reviewed details of the upcoming implementation of
SuccessFactors, a new online performance management system. The system
will be launched in July.
SuccessFactors, which includes MUHA and UMA employees, supports the
organization’s shift to a common review date and pay for performance
model. It will incorporate Performance Management policy (#16) and
newly redesigned evaluation forms. The effort involved MUHA HR, the
Performance Evaluation design team and SuccessFactors implementation
team to help meet JC requirements.
Managers/supervisors will be able to access SuccessFactors through the
MUHA HR Web site using your NetID. A new supervisor tree will track
supervisor and the direct reporting structure of employees within the
organization (must be updated by June 15).
Leaders should complete evaluations using the 2008-09 planning stage
document (old Position Description/Performance Evaluation) form for
employees hired prior to April 2009. Employees hired after April 2009
should have their planning stages completed using the old form until
the migration to the new system is complete. Managers should update
employee job responsibilities, identify support staff for training,
update the supervisor tree to define reporting relationships and
complete their 2010 staff pillar goals in LEM and eventually,
SuccessFactors, to track monthly/quarterly results (June 15 to Aug.
From June 15 to July 10, SuccessFactors training is scheduled in the
computer labs including super user training. Managers, supervisors and
key support staff must attend. Registration is via CATTS. A
SuccessFactors intranet site is available on the MUHA HR Web page. The
site features a timeline, quick reference guides, training schedule,
etc. Once SuccessFactors is launched, all employees will be able to
access the system via the MUHA HR site, as well as remotely (at home or
away) using a separate link.
Stand down Wednesdays
Lois Kerr, accreditation manager, unveiled details of a new top
down-bottom up approach to Joint Commission (JC) readiness with the
start of Stand Down Wednesdays beginning June 3. The effort provides an
action plan and focuses on putting patients first. It will be led by
two clinical SWAT teams (MUHA administrators and managers), a tactical
SWAT team (service line directors), a tracer team and JC steering
Stand Down Wednesdays—conducted Wednesday mornings
- Work with unit or department managers
- Focus
will be to remove/manage outdated supplies, medications, nutrition
including formula and parked equipment (longer than 30 minutes) in exit
SWAT Team documentation tool—department managers (inpatient, procedure,
OR or outpatient areas, including EDs) should complete a six-question
weekday audit form for their area. Procedure areas managers will
continue to conduct time outs, site markings, informed consent, etc.
Administrators also will be rounding weekly in units. They’ll be
specifically looking at non-compliant issues: obstructed corridors,
Wallaroos, locked med carts, privacy and confidentiality, competency
folder review (using the HR grid) and armbands.
The Tactical SWAT team meets weekly to review data submitted by
administrators and tracer teams to determine priorities, focus, etc. A
Tracer team will visit four units (including outpatient areas and IOP)
on Mondays and Wednesdays and share their findings with the unit charge
nurse as well as managers, directors and administrators. The JC
steering committee will work on education efforts with functional
chapters, serve as ambassadors and help coordinate a periodic
performance review by September.
Quality – Providing quality patient care in a safe environment
Weaver, R.N., director of Surgical Services, spoke about MUHA’s updated
Time Out policy (C-25) and universal protocol used throughout the
medical center.
Updates were made based on JCAHO, manager/leadership recommendations. The
policy sets guidelines for the prevention of wrong site of surgeries or
procedures, wrong person surgeries or procedures or performance of
wrong procedure. Verification of the site will be documented using the
Pre-Operative Checklist, the Operative Nursing Record, the Moderate
Sedation Documentation form, the Universal Protocol Procedure Safety
Checklist (new) and the Universal Protocol Surgical Safety Checklist
(new—OR use only).
The Time Out process and forms should be used any time a surgery or
invasive procedure is performed hospitalwide including ambulatory
areas/clinics (with the exception of arterial and intravenous lines,
naso-gastric tubes and Foley catheters). Clinical staff must
follow the verification protocol and Time Out policy in the pre-op,
procedure prep and operating/procedure room.
The Time Out forms replace the old Non Operative Room Anesthesia (NORA) forms. The
purpose of the Time Out process is for all clinical staff to take the
time to verify what’s being done—correct patient, site, procedure,
patient’s positioning, correct equipment/devices required. If a team
changes out during the procedure, another Time Out is performed and marked on the sheet as an additional time out.
- The
Office of Parking Management announced that patient parking lot G lot
will close at the end of June. The closing supports scheduled
construction of MUSC’s new Drug Discovery and Biomedical Research
buildings at the site. When the construction projects are finished in
about two and one-half years, a small portion of G lot may be returned
temporarily to parking. However, the campus master plan calls for the
elimination of all parking from this core campus location.
parking will be redirected to both the Jonathan Lucas Street and
Ashley-Rutledge garages. During this transition, Parking Management
will work with hospital administrators to accommodate and communicate
these changes. Throughout June, notices will be placed around G lot and
handouts will be distributed to customers as they exit. A student
after-hours program that currently utilizes G lot will be transferred
to the President Street Parking garage. More details will be presented
via Broadcast Messages and The Catalyst.
- The next meeting is June 16.
Friday, June 5, 2009