to some unforeseen professional developments, Rick Kidd has decided
that he needs to resign his position as Nurse Alliance chair-elect. He
felt it would be better in light of these very recent events that he
let the new chair-elect assume their responsibilities now, rather than
potentially in a few months.
After reviewing the Nurse Alliance Bylaws, which can be found at https://www.musc.edu/medcenter/nursing/ProfNursing/source/ByLaws.pdf,
the situation was discussed atthe Nurse Alliance Councils. The
unanimous decision from all the councils was that to be most fair, the
elections needed to be repeated.
The rationale for a second open nomination period and election includes:
- Still early in the term, which started July 1
- The office of
Chair-elect should represent the votes of the entire membership and
positions are not awarded to the runner-up from a previous election.
- It has been
three months since open nominations which presents some possible
issues: nurse manager may not be able to support candidate from
previous elections, as they had before; and situations may have
changed for the other two candidates and they may not want to run
The plan is then to have
open nominations open until July 31, get them cleared by their
nurse manager, put bios on web, “meet the candidate” availability
at main hospital and Ashley River Tower and then vote until Aug.
Please be thinking of potential Nurse Alliance chair-elect nominees—either yourself or a peer and enter their name at https://www.musc.edu/medcenter/nursing/ProfNursing/na/elections/nominate.htm.
Contact KellyAnne Caraviello, R.N., CCRN, Nurse Alliance chair with any questions at 792-0258 or caraviek@musc.edu.
Friday, July 24, 2009