CHDR announces call for applications
The Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR) is requesting
graduate or post-graduate students, fellows, and MUSC faculty answer
its “Call for Applications” which is associated with the annual CHDR
Pilot Project Program.
Projects must focus on one of three priority areas: (1)
health disparities; (2) community-based translational
research; and (3) rural health. The CHDR Pilot Project Program is a
one-year program that provides support for four to six pilot
projects (up to $5,000 per year per project). Pilot studies will be
expected to serve as vehicles to collect preliminary data for
subsequent competitive applications. Pilot funds may not be used for
investigator salary support, but can be used to support research
assistants or buy statistical support necessary for the conduct of the
study. Research ideas from all disciplines are welcome. Graduate
students, post-graduate students, and fellows should identify faculty
mentors for their projects.
The deadline for all applications is Sept. 30 and must
include: a research proposal (maximum of three pages) containing a
statement of the problem (including specific aims and
background/rationale), methods to be used, anticipated results, and
discussion of how planned efforts will lead to future funding; a
biographical sketch for the investigator on the standard PHS 398 form;
a one-page letter of support from a primary mentor for graduate
students, post-graduate students, or fellows; and budget and
justification on the standard PHS 398 form.
Selected applicants will be notified in October for funding that
will begin Nov. 1. For information contact Stephanie Brown-Guion
at 876-1227, e-mailbrowngu@musc.edu or visit http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/chdr/programs pilot%20project%20program.htm.
Send application materials to Stephanie Brown-Guion, program
coordinator II, Center for Health Disparities Research, 135 Rutledge
Ave., Room 280, MSC593, Charleston, S.C., 29425-5930.
Friday, Sept. 11, 2009