Faculty Senate
The faculty senate serves as the voice of
the faculty and works with the administration to ensure the success of
the university’s mission in teaching, research and service.
Visit http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Election of officers
The faculty senate re-elected Chris Davies, president; Mary Mauldin,
vice-president; and Barton Sachs, secretary.
MUSC strategic plan
Betsy Pilcher, Ph.D., presented the implementation of MUSC’s strategic
plan. As significant and rapid changes occur in health care, MUSC
continues to experience a reduction in state financial support. To
maintain a vibrant, leading academic medical center that is financially
viable, a new strategic plan recently was adopted.
Programmatic areas of the plan are: Interprofessional/interdisciplinary
collaboration; technology/innovation entrepreneurialism; and
globalization. Multi-disciplinary committees have been organized to
implement the strategic plan, including milestones for each area.
Information is available at
Post-tenure review
policy revision
An ad hoc committee has worked with members of MUSC administration to
revise the post-tenure review policy. It describes mechanisms for
periodic review of the performance of tenured faculty and how
post-tenure review is triggered in the case of poor performance. The
senate reviewed the draft of the policy and several amendments were
made. Senate approval is required prior to the December meeting of the
MUSC board of trustees.
Provost search
The process to select a MUSC provost is ongoing and members of the
faculty senate have had the privilege of inclusion in the interview and
recommendation process. The new provost will lead MUSC through a time
of change forced by significantly reduced state appropriations.
Friday, Nov. 26, 2010