To Medical Center Employees: We
will kick off a series of 45 minute town hall meetings beginning Feb.
18 at the times and locations indicated below. There will also be
several town hall meetings conducted for large departments in place of
their regularly scheduled departmental meetings.
The town hall agenda will include a quick update on the good progress
being made toward achieving our pillar-based Fiscal Year 2009-2010
organizational goals; recognition of outstanding employees; an update
on our Culture of Safety initiatives; a review of our Joint Commission
Survey action plan; an update on our Employee Partnership plan; and a
reminder of the new annual performance evaluation process and goals. We
intend to reserve some time at the end of the town hall sessions for
questions and answers. Attendance is encouraged.
On another matter, recently it was announced that medical center
employees may transfer PTO (Paid Time Off) to support humanitarian
operations in Haiti. Employees may transfer from one to 40 hours. The
deadline for the PTO transfer is Feb. 27. Instructions have previously
been issued and the PTO transfer form for the Haiti Relief Fund may be
found on the MUHA intranet at
A check will be written to the MUSC Haiti Relief Fund at the Coastal
Community Foundation for the cash value of the total PTO transferred.
We will publish the names of those who transfer PTO and the total
Thank you very much,
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
and Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
Town hall meetings
Feb. 19: 2 p.m., Room 120, Hollings Cancer Center; Feb. 22: 7:30 a.m.,
SEI Auditorium, and 3 p.m., 2W Amphitheater; Feb. 23: 11 a.m., 2W
Amphitheater, and 3 p.m., ART Auditorium; Feb. 24:11 a.m., IOP
Auditorium, and 2 p.m., SEI Auditorium; Feb. 25: 11 a.m., ART
Auditorium; Feb. 26: 7:30 a.m., 2W Amphitheater, and 11 a.m., SEI
People—Fostering employee pride and loyalty
Maggie Bobo, director of quality improvement for the American Heart
Association (AHA), and Perette Sabatino, R.N., interim stroke manager,
shared findings from the AHA’s Get with the Guidelines (GWTG) Program’s
2010 Performance Achievement Awards. The program defines specific
guidelines in the quality care of patients. The GWTG program tracks
evidence-based medical data in the areas of heart attack, stroke, heart
failure, etc.
As of November, 1,604 national hospitals, including MUSC, were
designated as GWTG hospitals, representing more than 2 million patients
receiving quality medical care. About 625 hospitals were recognized for
achieving and maintaining at least 85 percent or greater in compliance
with their GWTG performance. In 2009, MUSC also was one of 27 hospitals
for achieving a silver performance in all three GWTG modules in 2009.
last July, MUSC’s performance and best practices were recognized
nationally in the annual best hospitals edition of U.S. News and World
Report magazine.
For 2010, MUSC received the AHA’s Gold Performance Achievement Award
for care in coronary artery disease, stroke and heart failure patients.
Additionally, MUSC achieved a higher level for evidence-based medicine
for quality measures.
AHA’s GWTG award criteria for achieving the bronze, silver and gold award levels:
- Bronze – A program must achieve 90 consecutive days at or greater than 85 percent compliance on each measure.
- Silver – A program must achieve one year at or greater than 85 percent compliance on each measure.
- Gold – A program must achieve two or more years at or greater than 85 percent compliance on each measure.
recognized MUSC for achieving 95 percent compliance in measures within
some areas, and 99 to 100 percent compliance in other areas.
She praised MUSC’s teamwork with MUSC’s Stroke Program and Heart &
Vascular teams for meeting the multiple measures and adhering to
processes and protocols required for achieving the gold award (coronary
artery disease) as well as the gold plus award status (heart failure
and stroke).
Bobo especially recognized individuals and teams who helped lead in
these results: Stroke Program – Sabatino, Robert Adams, M.D., Edward
Jauch, M.D., June Darby, R.N., Beth Grannell, R.N., Jessica Shenkman,
R.N., Kitt Starckey, Kristy Conley, MUSC Stroke Steering
Committee, Neuroscience Service Line, Emergency Department, Medical ICU
and Digestive Disease ICU and Heart & Vascular – Darcy Kalles,
Linda Easler, R.N., Sandie Coons, R.N., Eric Powers, M.D., Peter
Zwerner, M.D., and the Heart & Vascular Service Line.
Quality — Providing quality patient care in a safe environment
Kennedy, Outcomes & Quality Management/Patient Safety and Linda
Formby, R.N., manager for Infection Prevention and Control, both
unveiled the hospital’s plans to recognize National Patient Safety
Week, March 8-15.
The week will kick-off with a hand hygiene poster competition
throughout the medical center. The winning unit will have their poster
professionally printed to support the hospital’s ongoing hand hygiene
campaign. Winners also will receive a pizza party for their unit
or department. Kennedy displayed a sample poster and distributed blank
posters to interested parties. Posters may be obtained by contacting
Kennedy, 792-2719.
Deadline for entries is March 5. Judging will occur during Patient Safety Week.
Additionally, Formby reminded managers that Infection Control and
Prevention will provide certificates of recognition to hospital
departments, units and areas that have reduced their infection rates in
For example, MUSC achieved a 51 percent decrease in bloodstream infection rates throughout the hospital.
- Nina Epps,
manager of point-of-care testing in Laboratory Services, reminded
managers of the upcoming Point-of-Care Testing Survey.The test,
sanctioned by the College of American Pathologists, will be conducted
from Feb. 23-25 to certify best practices. Epps reminded managers and
employees to focus on the basics – staff should wear proper protective
equipment, label tubes, identify patients, look for expired reagents,
- Kelly Crowley,
PharmD, is the new pharmacy manager in Ambulatory Pharmacy Services.
Crowley, who has 12 years of pharmacy experience, previously served in
an interim role since March 2009 and was coordinator of Ashley River
Tower Outpatient Pharmacy since 2007.
- The next meeting is March 16.
Friday, Feb. 19, 2010