MUSC faculty senate notes
faculty senate serves as the voice of the faculty and works with the
administration to ensure the success of the university’s mission in
teaching, research and service.
Communication and Education Committee: Chair Geoff Freeman, Department of Library Sciences & Informatics
A reception for new faculty members was held in Colcock Hall Feb. 8.
Turnout among both new and current faculty members was excellent.
A separate one-half day orientation for incoming faculty is planned for
late summer. In the interim, information of interest will be
linked to the faculty senate Web page. The committee also
continues to develop constituency lists that will enable faculty
senators to identify more clearly whom they represent in their
respective units. The College of Medicine represents the biggest
challenge due to its many members, multiple divisions, and specialties.
Faculty and Institutional Relationships Committee: Chair Jacobo Mintzer, College of Medicine
At the request of the faculty senate, representatives from MUSC’S
Office of Human Resources, Susan Carullo and Dana Tumbleston and David
McNair, consultant for the university’s MUSC Excellence initiative,
attended the meeting to discuss the development of MUSC Excellence
Standards of Behavior. The existence of multiple Code of Conduct
policies, how these affect faculty, and differences between the
policies with respect to implementation and enforcement were also
Carullo and Tumbleston reported that there is one Code of Conduct
applied across the entire enterprise and can be found on the MUSC Web
site at http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/uco/code_conduct.htm.
Finally, Carullo answered questions about the university’s new policy
on job shadowing and career exploration.
Senator Laura Cousineau (DLSI) announced MUSC Humanities
Committee is co-sponsoring a Book Club with the Avery Research Center
for African American History and Culture, College of Charleston. The
book will be Dr. Dittmer’s “The Good Doctors: The Medical Committee for
Human Rights and the Struggle for Social Justice.” The event was held
Feb. 24.
The faculty senate voted to support the current S.C. bill to
raise the cigarette tax from 7 cents per pack to 50 cents per pack.
This rate is below the national median of $1 per pack. The senate
will send out a letter to faculty encouraging them to write
letters to legislators. These letters should be written as an
individual citizen, not as a representative of MUSC, and should not use
MUSC letterhead stationery.
MUSC faculty senate meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month in 125 Gazes and are open to all faculty members.
For more information, see http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Friday, Feb. 26, 2010