Sexual assault nurse examiner training offered
by Cindy Abole
Public Relations
Health professionals and scientists interested in human health research
have more opportunities to work with colleagues statewide to
focus on new discoveries and translate advance-ments that improve
patient care.
During March and April, eligible scientists and clinical and
translational investigators affiliated with the South Carolina Clinical
& Translational Research Institute (SCTR) can apply for funding of
up to $50,000 per year to support their research through the SCTR Pilot
Project Program (PPP).
The program was designed to facilitate meaningful clinical and
translational research with an emphasis on diseases demonstrating
significant prevalence in South Carolina. The major goal of the
PPP is to ensure investigator-initiated, hypothesis-driven clinical and
translational research pilot projects are supported so they can
generate preliminary data to validate the need for a larger study.
Since 2007, SCTR has funded close to 40 collaborative projects,
involving investigators and scientists from different disciplines and
During this fourth grant cycle (2010-2011), SCTR anticipates awarding about 15 grant proposals/applications.
“We recognize the investigator's desire is to collaborate with other
researchers,” said Dayan Ranwala, Ph.D., SCTR Institute’s science
program coordinator. “On the other hand, investigators recognize the
importance of building collaborations across disciplines, departments
and institutions to find success in research and submit extramural
grant applications. SCTR can help investigators find collaborations and
the PPP funding that would help them develop those new collaborations
to accelerate new discoveries and innovations to improve health care.”
Last July, MUSC was awarded a $20 million Clinical Translational
Science Award (CTSA) and joined 39 previously-funded academic medical
research institutions focused on promoting clinical research efforts,
advancing scientific discoveries and preparing the state’s next
generation of medical researchers.
“This program allows basic and clinical scientists and investigators to
work together within the CTSA national network to work collaboratively
in collecting preliminary data that will eventually lead to more
extramurally-funded grants and fund novel and collaborative
research,” said Perry V. Halushka, M.D., Ph.D., SCTR Pilot
Project program director.
The program is open to investigators from any of SCTR's 11
participating institutions or affiliate partners including MUSC,
University of South Carolina, Clemson University, Claflin University,
South Carolina State University, Greenwood Genetic Center, Greenville
Hospital System, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Palmetto
Health, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, S.C. Research Authority and
Health Sciences South Carolina.
Three SCTR Pilot grant categories are based on investigator's needs in multiple disciplines and levels.
- Discovery—Address
an unmet medical need such as a novel fundamental discovery that leads
to further development through a multi-phase trial or large-scale
dissemination or translation.
- Early
career investigator—Applicable to eligible faculty no more than four
years past postdoctoral or specialty/subspecialty training.
- Novel
methodologies and technologies— Addresses details of the novelty of
target methodology/technology and its potential application to clinical
or translational research.
Required pre-applications are available at http://sctr.musc.edu/index.php/programs/pilot-projects until April 30. Pre-applications will be screened by a preliminary scientific review committee.
Selected pre-applications from the pre-applications pool will be considered for full applications for PPP grant funding.
Request for application for the full PPP application will be available in May. Visit http://tinyurl.com/y5tmggm.
Friday, April 16