MUSC faculty senate notes
The faculty senate serves as the voice of the faculty and works with
the administration to ensure the success of the university’s mission in
teaching, research, and service.
Electronic IRB: Steve Lanier, Ph.D., and Lynn Veatch, Ph.D., introduced MUSC’s new electronic IRB process that is rolling out this spring.
This e-IRB system is completely Web-based paperless (routing through
approving departments is automatic) requires Internet access and will
allow cooperative operations with other institutions in the Health
Sciences South Carolina consortium. Metrics and access to IRB-approved
documents are incorporated into the eIRB design. Update sessions,
computer labs, Tegrity modules and other support materials are
available to the research community. For additional information, see http://research.musc.edu/ori/irb/eIRB.html.
Faculty contracts: Michael Wargovich, Ph.D., (faculty senate, College
of Medicine) reported that an agreement was reached between
representatives of the senate and the administration on the
harmonization of faculty contracts according to rank and that the board
of trustees voted to approve this proposal at its April meeting.
The proposal establishes a minimum base salary for rank and a variable
component to each contract. As part of this agreement, the faculty
senate will work with administration to revise procedures for
post-tenure review. The board of trustees resolution is posted on the
faculty senate Web site.
Communication and Education Committee: Chair Geoff Freeman, Library Sciences and Informatics
This committee has organized a town hall meeting for faculty to discuss
the new contracts for fiscal year 2010-11. This will be held at 4 p.m.,
April 29 in Room 100, Basic Science Building. As well as
representatives of the senate, John Raymond, M.D., and Joe Good,
university counsel, will be present to answer questions. All faculty
are encouraged to attend.
In collaboration with the Women’s Scholar’s Initiative, a workshop
providing advice to faculty on the negotiation of annual contracts is
also being organized, with a probable date in early May.
Governance Committee: Chair Paul Jacques, College of Health Professions
The faculty handbook has been updated to move policies that have been
adopted since the last edition from the appendix into relevant sections
of the main handbook. URLs cited in the handbook have also been
updated. The draft is posted at http://www.musc.edu/facsen/.
Review the draft of the new handbook, as faculty senate will vote on it
in May. The handbook is part of the MUSC contract that governs the
employment in the university.
MUSC faculty senate meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month
in 125 Gazes and are open to all faculty members. For information,
visit http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Friday, April 23, 2010