by Paul LoCicero
Engineering & Facilities
There will be changes in how the university, colleges and administration offices' waste is handled to cut cost and increase recycling efforts.
The housekeeping department believes that with careful management of current resources we can get through this new challenge. Everyone’s support and cooperation is essential for the success of the following necessary housekeeping schedule changes.
Food waste and perishable trash will be collected daily in centralized locations or break rooms. The rest, ie: dry waste and recycling will be collected on a weekly basis. Desk side waste bins should no longer be used to dispose of food waste and recycling is encouraged.
Changes are effective May 10
Office and desk side waste baskets will be emptied once a week. Take all food and drink containers to the break room: do not put food in your desk side waste basket
Kitchen and break room trash and cardboard will be emptied daily
Lab trash bins will be emptied once a week
No change in recycling service
Kitchen and break room bottle and can recycling bins are emptied once a week
Office paper recycling and shredding bins are emptied once a week
Call 792-4119.
Friday, April 30, 2010