Be aware of water danger
Stop by Wellness
Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 2 in the Ashley River Tower
lobby to learn about water safety from MUSC’s Trauma Injury
Program and Trident Area Safe Kids. A representative from MUSC’s
Wellness Center will also be available to answer questions about its
water safety, water aerobics, and water swim instruction programs
available for both children and adults.
June is National Safety Month and to kick it off MUSC’s Trauma Injury
Prevention Program and Trident Area Safe Kids are hosting three days at
the waterparks.
MUSC employees can benefit from buy-one-get-one-free tickets to the
waterpark and safety education/activities for you and your children.
June 16 is at James Island County Park, June 17 is at Wannamaker County
Park in North Charleston, and June 20 is at Palmetto Islands County
Park in Mount Pleasant.
An average of 10 people die per day related to drowning. More than one
in four deaths are children. Children under the age of 1 died
most often in bathtubs and buckets. Most drownings in children occur in
residential pools. In 2008 the Coast Guard reported that among boaters,
nine out of 10 people who died were not wearing life jackets.
Employee wellness
- Quit Now…For Life
Free Smoking Cessation Classes for employees and spouses begins June 8.
- Healthy Heart:
Nutrition Ideas and Cholesterol Management for 2010 June 17. Presented
by the MUSC Seinsheimer Cardiovascular Program, this lunchtime
free talk will help you understand more about cholesterol and
- Lunchtime Losers
10 week Worksite Weight Loss Program for MUSC employees. This weight
loss program is $98 for the 10 week program. Presented by dietitians,
exercise physiologists, and psychologists from MUSC’s Weight Management
Center, the next class starts June 17.
For information or
to sign up for the classes, e-mail health1st@musc.edu.
Friday, May 28, 2010