MUSC faculty senate notes
The faculty senate
serves as the voice of the faculty and works with
the administration to ensure the success of the university’s mission in
teaching, research, and service.
and Education Committee: Chair Geoff Freeman, Department of
Library Sciences and Informatics
Recent faculty senate sponsored town hall meetings (April 29—faculty
contracts and May 5—contract negotiations) were recorded on Tegrity and
posted on the MUSC faculty senate Web site: http://www.musc.edu/facsen. In
conjunction with the Women Scholars Initiative, a promotion and tenure
workshop is scheduled for this summer.
Faculty photos are needed for the new MUSC faculty database. Photos
will be taken at no charge to your department in Room 107 in the Basic
Science Building. Call 792-4730 to schedule your appointment. If you
prefer to not have your photo included as part of the data database,
e-mail freemang@musc.edu.
Committee: Chair Paul Jacques, College of Health Professions
Policies already approved by the senate and Board of Trustees have been
moved into the faculty handbook. These include: the faculty grievance
and appeal process, Conflict of Interest, and the policy on copyright
protection and intellectual property. The MUSC faculty handbook is
reviewed biennially. Faculty are encouraged to review the handbook and
advise the governance committee of policies in need of review.
The MUSC faculty handbook can be found at http://www.musc.edu/facsen/.
The handbook is part of the MUSC contract that governs employment in
the university.
New business
The Board of Trustees resolution to standardize faculty contracts
included a commitment to revise the post-tenure review policy. To
address this, the faculty senate is forming an ad hoc committee with
representation from each of the six colleges and all ranks. The process
is scheduled to be completed by December.
Documents presenting the initial recommendations of the four committees
that comprise the MUSC 2010-2015 Strategic Planning process are posted
on the MUSC home page under the Administration tab. The senate
recommends that faculty review the Web site and provide feedback.
MUSC faculty senate meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month
in Room 125 Gazes and are open to all faculty members.
For more information, see http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Friday, May 28, 2010