Understanding cholesterol, triglycerides
There will
be a free lunchtime talk on how cholesterol and triglycerides impact
health at noon June 17, in Room 109 at Colbert Education Center &
Library, led by Amy Mendez, a registered dietitian and Kellie McLain, a
nurse practitioner. Both speakers are experts from MUSC’s
prevention-based Seinsheimer Cardiovascular Program. This event
is free, but registration is required by e-mailing
If it has been awhile since your last blood test, consider
participating in Health 1st’s June 24 Worksite Screening at the
Wellness Center. The screening costs $15 for employees who have state
health insurance and is worth about $350. It includes a lipid profile
(cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein),
chemistry profile (glucose, kidney, liver, thyroid, etc.), hemogram
(hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc.) and measurement of height, weight and
blood pressure. To view a full list of what tests are included
for $15, visit http://ceii.muschealth.com/Health1st/Doc/WorksiteScreeningSampleReport.pdf.
To register for the screening, go to
http://www.musc.edu/medcenter/health1st and click on “worksite
The South Carolina Employee Insurance Program provides a screening
guide that can be downloaded at http://www.eip.sc.gov/publications/Screening_Guide_complete.pdf.
It includes information on blood lipoprotein profiles and
explains what blood lipids are.
A diet high in saturated fat (fats from animal sources), smoking,
obesity and lack of regular aerobic activity can cause blood
cholesterol to rise above recommended levels.
The Hollings Cancer Center Mobile Van will be on campus from 9 a.m. to
3 p.m. June 16 to allow employees to schedule a mammogram. Call
792-0878 to make an appointment. Also, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
June 16 in the Children’s Hospital lobby there will be information
about water instruction programs at the Wellness Center for adults and
Friday, June 11, 2010