MUSC faculty senate notes
The faculty senate
serves as the voice of the faculty and works with
the administration to ensure the success of the university’s mission in
teaching, research, and service.
Committee: Chair Paul Jacques, College of Health Professions
The faculty handbook is now a single document with recently-approved
policies that reside in the appendices now moved to the main body. In
addition, all URLs have been updated. The new version is posted at http://www.musc.edu/facsen. All
faculty are encouraged to review the new handbook, as faculty senate
will vote on it in July. Forward any comments to Paul Jacques at
jacquesp@musc.edu. The handbook is part of the MUSC contract that
governs employment in the university.
Communication and Education Committee: Chair Geoff Freeman, Dept. of
Library Sciences and Informatics
In conjunction with the Women’s Scholar’s Initiative, the faculty
senate sponsored a “Promotion and Tenure Workshop” June 9.
Faculty Contracts Update: The senate is working with administration on
the language of the new contracts, in accord with the recent agreement,
and this process is nearing completion. When finalized, an example
contract will be posted on the faculty senate Web site.
Standards of Behavior/Code of Conduct: The faculty senate
has been examining the HR Standards of Behavior policy and discussing
its potential overlap with MUSC’s Code of Conduct, which is approved
policy and is part of the Faculty Handbook. Debate also included
enforcement of Standards of Behavior and whether it is logical to apply
it across all areas of campus.
MUSC faculty senate meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month
in 125 Gazes and are open to all faculty members.
For information, see http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Friday, June 18, 2010