MUSCranks in annual edition of America's Best
U.S. News &
World Report ranks Gastroenterology, Ear/Nose/Throat,
Kidney Disorders, Orthopaedics, Gynecology and Rheumatology programs
MUSC has been named by U.S. News & World Report as one of the
country’s best hospitals in the treatment of gastrointestinal
disorders, ear/nose/throat disorders, kidney disorders, gynecologic
disorders, orthopedics and rheumatology. This marks the 14th
consecutive year that gastrointestinal disorders has made the list. The
rankings will be published in the August issue of the magazine that
will appear on newsstands July 27.
“We are pleased that the outstanding care delivered by the faculty and
staff of MUSC is garnering such national attention,” said Ray
Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., MUSC president. “All South Carolinians can be
reassured by the high quality of services being delivered at our
hospital and through graduates of our training programs throughout the
Since 1990, the magazine has identified medical centers with unique
capabilities in one or more areas. This year, the exclusive magazine
reviewed data from 4,852 hospitals and selected 152 stellar medical
centers in 16 specialty areas. Rankings and eligibility are driven by
hard data, including reputation, death rate, patient safety, and
care-related factors such as nursing and patient services. This year’s
rankings may be viewed at http://www.usnews.com/besthospitals.
Highlights from this
year’s rankings
• Gastrointestinal Disorders ranks for 14th
consecutive year
• Orthopaedics ranks for the first time
• Rheumatology’s reputation continues to earn high
marks, moving up two slots
Friday, July 16,