A good night’s rest encouraged
by Jeni
Bowers Palmer
Institute of
A good night’s sleep is essential
to a person’s physical and
emotional health. Many of us are
not sleeping well or long enough.
Most adults need seven to eight hours
of sleep a night—less than five
and you are in a state of
sleep deprivation. Good indicators that
you are not getting enough sleep
are: falling asleep the minute you
head hits the pillow and feeling
groggy in the mornings.
Determine your sleep needs by
timing your sleep on the days
you are allowed to wake up
naturally verses using an alarm clock. If
you sleep eight hours on the
weekend you probably need eight hours
on the weeknights too.
Effects of sleep deprivation include depletion
of the immune system, impaired memory,
concentration and focus problems, obesity
and heart disease.
Tips for a better nights rest
- stick to a consistent
sleep schedule
- sleep in absolute
darkness; consider an eye mask and
dim electronics
- limit outside noise; consider
using earplugs or a fan to
drown out noise
- make sure bedding and pillows
are comfortable
- keep your bedroom slightly cool,
most people sleep better that way
- reserve your bed for
- avoid caffeine, alcohol,
exercise and heavy meals three to four hours
before bedtime
- get some exercise and
exposure to sunlight during the day
- consider a small snack
with calcium rich dairy products
before bed
Stress, job burnout, anxiety and
depression can all contribute to
difficulty falling asleep and staying
asleep. Counseling can often be helpful
addressing these issues. MUSC EAP is a
free and confidential counseling service available to
all MUSC, MUHA and UMA employees. To schedule
an appointment call 792-2848.
Employee Assistance Program counselors Jeni Bowers
Palmer and Tammy Yarnall will be
available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 28
in the Ashley River Tower lobby to
discuss the Employee Assistance Program,
sleep tips and stress management.
All MUSC, MUHA and UMA employees
are welcome to stop by and receive
a free Good Night’s Sleep Kit
including earplugs and an eye mask
(while supplies last).
Friday, July 23,