CDAP presents Employee of the Year Award
Mulholland, administrative coordinator, is the recipient of the
Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs Employee of the Year Award at a
ceremony hosted by Raymond F. Anton, M.D., director of the Center for
Drug and Alcohol Programs (CDAP) in the Institute of Psychiatry. The
ceremony is expected to be an annual event.
Dr. Raymond Anton,
left, presents Kristen Mulholland, front row third from left, with the
Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs Employee of the Year Award.
This award was established by CDAP to honor a staff member who
consistently performs well beyond what their job description requires,
who personifies excellence in conjunction with the Excellence program
at MUSC, and who makes CDAP a great place to work.
Twelve staff members were nominated by faculty and staff for this
award, with a committee making the final decision based on anonymous
comments about each nominee and without knowing the identification of
each nominee.
“Kristen Mulholland garners the respect and recognition not only of her
peers but also the faculty for her tremendous effort to make CDAP a
special place to work,” said Anton.
Colleagues praised Mulholland in the nominations for being steady and
dependable and for doing quality work on tasks. Mulholland received a
$250 gift certificate, and a plaque award.
Friday, July 2, 2010