2010 GME residency awards announced
February Teacher of the Month—Michael Bernard, M.D.; Charles P.
Summerall Award - Fellow of the Year—Edward A. Steward, D. O.;
Razorback Award (EP 1st year Fellow Award)—Robert Leonardi, M.D.; EP
Fellow of the Year—William Brabham, M.D.; VA Award -”Be All you can
Be”—Laurance Farmer, M.D.; Michael E. Assey Award: Faculty of the
Year—Frank Cuoco, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Intern of the Year—Scott Witt, M.D.; Academic Achievement—Andrew Ross,
M.D., PYG3; MUSC Medical Student Excellence in EM Award—Neal Shelley,
MS4; Platinum Podium Award—Pauline Meekins, M.D.; Golden Apple
Award—Thomas Pollehn, M.D.; Golden Orange Award— Todd Minshall, M.D.;
The Little People Award—Scott Russell, M.D.; Mid-Level-Provider
MVP—Kevin Harmon, PA; Pleasant Surprise Award—Ed Jauch, M.D.;
Promotions—Ed Jauch M.D., from associate professor to professor; Diann
Krywko, M.D., from assistant professor to associate professor; and
Lance Scott M.D. from instructor to assistant professor
General Surgery
Resident Teaching Award—Thomas E. Brothers, M.D.; Max S. Rittenbury,
M.D. Intern of the Year Award—Tom P. Theruvath, M.D., and Matthew A.
Young, M.D.;
Student Award for Excellence in Resident Teaching—Ralph J. Barker,
M.D.; Medical Student Faculty Teaching Award—David B. Adams, M.D.
Internal Medicine,
Michael E. Assey, M.D., Teaching Award—Rogers Kyle, M.D.; Fellow of the
Year—Andre’ Holmes, M.D.; Division of the Year—General Internal
Medicine; Resident of the Year—Andrew Schreiner, M.D.; Intern of the
Year—Christina Kennelly, M.D.; Departing Chief Residents— Clay
Shamblin, M.D., and Brandon Craft, M.D.; Inpatient Resident of the Year
Award—Sarah Allen, M.D.; Outpatient Resident of the Year Award—Vanessa
Spearman, M.D.; ACP Regional Presentation Award—Jonathan Hoda, M.D.
Best Neurosurgery Presentation—Vibhor Krishna, M.D.;
Best Neurology Presentation—Kathryn Gaines, D.O.; Most Promising New
Finding—Brody Henkel, M.D.; Best Case Report—Xiaoyan Sun, M.D., Ph.D.;
Best in Show—Leonardo Bonilha, M.D., Ph.D.; MVP Faculty Award—David E.
Stickler, M.D., Marc I. Chimowitz, MBChB, Robert J. Adams, M.D., Paul
B. Prichard III, M.D.; MVP Nurse Award—Kelly Cavins R.N.
J. Marion Sims Award for Surgical Excellence—Rebecca Wineland, M.D.;
L.L. Hester, Jr. Award for Academic Achievement—Rebecca Wineland, M.D.;
The H. Oliver Williamson Award for Excellence—J. Robert Conatser, M.D.;
J. Richard Sosnowski Award for Outstanding Achievement in Obstetrics
and Humanism—Gretchen Reinhart, M.D.; Minimally Invasive Surgery
Award—Rebecca Wineland, M.D.; Southeastern Fertility Stork Award—J.
Robert Conatser, M.D.
Pierre Gautier Jenkins Award—John Weaver, M.D.; Teacher of the
Year—John Weaver, M.D.; Ophthalmic Technician of the Year—Kenyia
Lafayette, COA; Program Directors Award—Patrick Hageman, M.D.; Helma
Award for Best Resident Research Project—Matt Reese M.D.; William V.
Vallotton Award for Academic Excellence—Rob Vickers, M.D.;
Graduates—Rob Vickers, M.D., Matt Reese, M.D., Patrick Hageman, M.D.,
Rebecca Manning, M.D., Melissa Shipley, M.D., Ghada Abdel-Hafez, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Highest Orthopaedic In Training Exam Score—Bennett Grimm, M.D.;
Outstanding Clinical Science Award—Taylor Horst, M.D.; Outstanding
Basic Science Award—Gregory Colbath, M.D.; Applause Award—Gregory
Colbath, M.D.; 2010 AOA-OREF Resident Leadership Nominee—Yuehuei An,
M.D.; Basil Boyd Resident Research Award—Tyler Wind, M.D.; John A.
Siegling Teaching Award—WIlliam K.
McKibbin, M.D.; Alumnus of the Year—Shane K. Woolf,
Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine
House Staff Award for Anatomic Pathology Faculty—Tihana Rumboldt, M.D.;
House Staff Award for Clinical Pathology Faculty—Sally Self, M.D.; Best
Resident GME Presentation— Laura Spruill, M.D.; Certificate of
Appreciation, CAP, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Resource
Committee— Deborah Spencer, M.D.; Induction into Alpha Omega Alpha
(AOA)—Paul Eberts, M.D.; Donald West King One-Month Fellowship Program
Award in Pulmonary and Mediastinal Pathology at the Armed Forces
Institute of Pathology—Ford Rogers, M.D.; Donald West King One-Month
Fellowship Program Award in Pulmonary and Mediastinal Pathology at the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology—Roger Stone, M.D.
Senior of the Year—Natalee French, M.D.; Intern of the Year—Abigail
Schuh, M.D. ; Best Fellow—Sara Mola
Friday, July 2, 2010