seeks blood donors during hot spell
It is often difficult to collect enough blood to meet the needs of
patients during the summer months. With schools out and families on
vacation, it’s even more important that those who are eligible to
donate come forward to give the gift of life. The American Red Cross
reminds people to keep and make appointments to donate blood during the
current hot spell in the southeast.
During times of extended hot weather, the Red Cross may begin to see an
even bigger decline in the number of blood donors than in a typical
summer. While the heat is unlikely to change the amount of blood needed
each day, the challenge is that the weather is too hot to encourage
people to leave their air conditioned homes and businesses to donate
All blood types are needed, especially types O negative, A negative and
B negative. Type O negative blood is the universal blood type. This
means type O negative blood can be transfused to anyone who needs
blood, regardless of their own blood type. Type O blood may be used
during emergencies, when there is no time to cross-match a person’s
blood type. That’s why it’s especially important that people with type
O blood donate as frequently as they can.
Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. The
American Red Cross South Carolina Blood Services Region provides
lifesaving blood to patients in 54 hospitals. Approximately 500 people
need to give blood or platelets each week day to meet hospital demand.
Blood can be safely donated every 56 days. Most healthy people age 17
and older, or 16 with parental consent, who weigh at least 110 pounds,
are eligible to donate blood and platelets. Donors who are 18 and
younger must also meet specific height and weight requirements.
Donors are encouraged to visit the Red Cross Donor Center at MUSC from
10 a. m. until 4 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday in Room 279, University
Hospital or from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Ashley River Tower Auditorium
on Friday, Aug. 13. An appointment can be scheduled for either location
by calling 852-2918.
Friday, Aug. 6