winners helped in healing
Thomas and Jessica Stout
Johnson, 10W
Nominated by nurse manager Mike
Sawin after he received a letter
of thanks from the patient.
"We had a young
female patient on 10W, who was
scalped in an ATV and had to have
all of her hair removed. Toschua
purchased a basket of lotions and
oils as well as a real wig that
she could wear over the dressing.
The patient left a card for
Toschua and Jessica that said, 'It
helped so much to know that I
would look normal with the wig.
You are both amazing nurses that I
count as an honor to have met.'
The patient is a nurse at another
hospital. Their kindness to a
young female patient helped her
cope with a traumatic life
changing event and to be able to
begin the healing process."
Thomas and Jessica Stout Johnson,
10W, were September's DAISY
winners. To see past winners,
visit http://tinyurl.com/3apnmdn.
(Diseases Attacking the Immune
System) Award for Nurses is a
monthly award and is part of the
DAISY Foundation's program to
recognize the super-human efforts
nurses perform every day.
The foundation
was formed in 2000 by the family
of J. Patrick Barnes. Barnes died
of complications of idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura.