Holistic Wellness can be defined as a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses all health systems, modalities and practices, and their accompanying theories and beliefs. Wellness is the condition of being in optimum health, not just the absence of disease or illness. It is a holistic blend of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, the result of lifestyle decisions and involved personal responsibility. Many treatment modalities exist, including reiki, herbology, homeopathy, chiropractics, nutritional counseling, yoga, acupressure, massage treatment, reflexology and respiration physical exercises. According to the American Holistic Well-being Association, holistic wellness can improve physical, mental and emotional health.
This November, MUSC Employee Wellness will be sponsoring a series of events organized to increase awareness of complementary and alternative medicine and therapies. Topics covered in lunch and learn sessions and Wellness Wednesday include meditation, hypnosis, nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, healing touch and more. The MUSC Holistic Wellness Fair will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 29 in the Horseshoe and will provide an opportunity to interact face-to-face with local businesses and practitioners who offer natural approaches to health and specialize in a wide array of complementary health and wellness disciplines.
Employee Wellness Events
Discounted State Park Annual Passes: Ranger John Phelps from Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site will be selling annual state park passes to employees at a 20 percent discount from 11 a.m. — 1 p.m., Nov. 2 in Ashley River Tower. Visit http://www.charlestowne.org/ or http://www.southcarolinaparks.com/ to learn more about the natural and historic settings in our community and state.
Wednesday, Nov. 2 - American Heart Association's Start Eating Healthy Day is dedicated to the health and wellness of all Americans. It's vital to maintain a healthy and well-balanced eating pattern as well as engage in physical activity - on Start Eating Healthy Day and every day. Start Eating Healthy Day encourages you to make small changes each day to incorporate healthier food choices. Visit MUSC Employee Wellness table in front of the library, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. learn more about healthy eating, free fruit provided by Limehouse.
Lunch & Learn: "Let's get heart healthy!" Celebrate Start Eating Healthy Day with Kellie H. McLain NP, CLS, MUSC Seinsheimer Cardiovascular Prevention/Lipid Program. Fruit provided by Sodexo, space is limited - email musc-empwell@musc.edu to register.
Farmer's Market: Fresh fruits and vegetables are available from local farmers from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Friday in the Horseshoe and in the grassy area next to Ashley River Tower behind Charleston Memorial Hospital.
Contact Susan Johnson at johnsusa@musc.edu to become involved in employee wellness at MUSC. Events, speakers, classes, or any other ideas are welcome. Find us on Facebook! Like our page and keep up with all the wellness events at MUSC.