of the Month
Kurowski, CH 7E
"There is no single
event that makes Kathy a great
nominee for Employee of the Month.
Everything she does for the
patients, team and unit is
deserving of this recognition.
Most recently, she started a theme
of the month party on the unit
where everyone can get involved.
Kathy not only affects the staff,
her enthusiasm permeates over to
patients as well."
by Carla Pascoe
Harmon, Clinical
"Shannon takes the
initiative when things need to be
done and volunteers to do things
that are far above her job
requirements. She most recently
suggested and organized a drawing
for the stroke fair raising money
to support the National Stroke
by Toni Mullins
Annie Bass,
"Annie will stay
late, come in extra and visit
patients after discharge. She
returned a patient's shoes to them
after rehab and bought a patient
coffee who was here long-term. She
never refuses to help another team
member or patient and is often
seen jogging around the unit to
make time to do more. Overall our
unit would not be the same without
Annie's wonderful attitude."
by Kelly Vincent and Aaryn
Dias, 9E
meeting Laura I have noticed her
above-ordinary, caring and
professional attitude toward her
patients. However, on Aug. 15 she
did the extraordinary thing for my
wife. Laura, knowing that my wife
had neck pain, brought her a
memory foam pillow. My wife, who
suffers from a brain aneurysm,
told me that after using the
pillow for about an hour her neck
felt wonderful. Thank you Laura
for this unselfish act of
by Charles Hesson, family member
of a patient
Miller, Hollings Cancer Center
"I have worked in
multiple institutions. Without
any hesitation Claudia Miller is
the single best nurse I have
ever worked with. She is the
thoracic oncology clinical
coordinator and her job is to
triage patients to one of six
physicians depending where they
most appropriately fit. Most of
the time it is a patient being
told they have or may-have
cancer. They are afraid and
confused. Claudia is their
lifeline and I can't tell you
how many patients have wanted to
meet her to say thanks and give
her a hug. Claudia is a strong
patient advocate and a
phenomenal nurse and an all
around spectacular employee."
by Becky Cherrington