As part of an
ongoing commitment to help
alleviate the nursing shortage in
South Carolina, the Johnson &
Johnson Campaign for Nursing's
Future hosted a gala to help ease
the shortage throughout the
On Nov. 4, 40
MUHA nurses attended the Johnson
& Johnson Promise of Nursing
gala. One hundred percent of the
$300,000 proceeds from the event
will support S.C. nursing school
grants, faculty fellowships and
student scholarships. This was the
first time the event has been held
in the state.
From left: MUSC
nurses Deborah Browning, Marilyn
Schaffner, Katherine Chase,
Sarah Gayle McConnell, Tara
Lowry and Leonora Horton.
McConnell and Lowry were
responsible for the video. View
the video at
Marilyn J.
Schaffner, Ph.D., R.N., chief
nursing executive, said she was
proud that MUSC's Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NNICU) video,
"Leaving on a Jet Plane," won
first place in a video contest
that had several entries from
multiple organizations. MUHA had
two of the four final videos,
including one from GI Endoscopy
called "I Promise."
"This gala was
a wonderful tribute to our
extraordinary nurses," said