- Chair massages: Free massages are offered to employees on Tuesday nights and midday Wednesdays. Look for broadcast messages for locations and times.
- Mobile Mammograms: The Hollings Cancer Center Mobile Van will be conducting digital mammograms from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 20 next to the Basic Sciences Building loading dock behind the College of Dental Medicine. Call 792-0878 to schedule an appointment.
- Employee Fitness Series: A free Spin class will be held at the MUSC Wellness Center on Wednesday, Dec. 21 from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. Participants will receive a free day pass to the Wellness Center. Email musc-empwell@musc.edu to register for this class.
- Happy Healthy Hour: Are you looking for a convenient weight loss program that is right here on campus, won't interfere with your work hours, and really works? If so, consider enrolling in the newest weight loss program offered by MUSC Weight Management Center — Happy Healthy Hour.
What: A 10-week lifestyle change weight loss program
When: Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The next class will start on Jan. 19.
Where: Suite 410, Institute of Psychiatry, 67 President St.
Cost: $98, payroll deduction available
What this includes: 10 group sessions, weekly food diaries, program management and expert advice from MUSC professionals
How to register: Email Josh Brown, Ph.D., at browjosh@musc.edu.
Contact Susan Johnson, Ph.D., wellness program director, at johnsusa@musc.edu to become involved in employee wellness at MUSC. Events, speakers, classes or any other ideas are welcome.