To Medical
Center Employees:
accreditation standards define the four
phases of emergency management as mitigation, preparedness, response
and recovery. Mitigation and preparedness occur before an emergency;
response and recovery occur during and after an emergency.
management phases are helpful as a frame of reference as we address our
current financial situation. We have sought to use our 5/5 cost savings
initiatives and other tactics within the past six months for mitigation
and preparedness. While some progress has been made with our 5/5 plans,
the cost per unit of service is slightly more than the 2009 base and we
are not yet meeting our goal.
State policy makers are considering Medicaid cuts that could be in the
range of 15 percent by the new fiscal year. A 5 percent cut equates to
$10 million. We need to go into our financial emergency preparedness
phase at this time in order to try to mitigate this loss.
Our preparedness will involve continuing with and producing results
from the 5/5 plans plus: freeze this year’s capital purchases unless
essential for patient care and safety; delay the fiscal year 2012
capital review process; limit hiring to only urgently needed direct
care positions; monitor staffing versus workload and eliminate any
staffing variance; eliminate overtime unless required for patient care;
and freeze any out-of-state travel unless approved by administration.
We need the attention of all leaders and the message needs to be
appropriately delivered to all employees. Our goal is to address this
potential emergency while providing quality care and protecting jobs.
We will discuss our financial situation and other topics at the medical
center town hall meetings scheduled to take place at times and
locations indicated below. There will also be several town hall
meetings for large departments in place of their routine department-
based meetings.
Evaluations from previous town hall meetings indicate relatively brief
sessions have been well received. Our plan is to limit the meetings to
30 minutes. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
W. Stuart Smith,
Vice President for Clinical Operations and Executive
Director, MUSC Medical Center
Town hall meetings
Feb. 18: 10 a.m., 2W
Amphitheater; Feb. 18: 11 a.m., ART Auditorium; Feb. 21, 10 a.m., 2W Amphitheater; Feb. 21, 2
p.m., IOP Auditorium; Feb. 22: 11 a.m., 2W Amphitheater; Feb. 23: 7
a.m., 2 West Amphitheater; Feb. 23: 11 a.m., Storm Eye Auditorium; Feb.
24: 7:30 a.m., 2 West Amphitheater; Feb. 24, Noon, ART Auditorium; and
March 1, 7 a.m., ART Auditorium
employee pride and loyalty
Helena Bastian, MUHA Human
Resources director, presented the following topics:
- 30/90 day rounding
form update At 30-day rounding, the status of unit/ department
orientation and position- specific orientation should be completed; At
90-day rounding, verification that orientation documentation was
completed should be completed; 30/90-day rounding form may be accessed
on the MUHA HR Web site under “forms.”
- MUHA HR’s next new
hire reception is from 1-2 p.m., Tuesday, March 3, IOP lobby. Open to
new employees hired between October and December 2010 (celebrating 90
days with MUSC). Reception is sponsored by the Employer of Choice and
Rewards & Recognition Service Teams.
- MUHA February
town hall meetings are scheduled from Feb. 16 to March 1 at various
campus locations. Leaders will discuss fiscal year 2010/2011 goals,
employee recognition, cost savings initiatives, hand hygiene campaign
as well as questions and answers.
information on meetings, visit
quality patient care in a safe environment
Kerr, accreditation manager, and Kathy Wade, Medical Director’s Office,
reviewed new changes imposed by the Joint Commission (JC) for 2011.
- New JC
terminology—accredited (perfect survey), accredited with follow up (1-6
months unannounced), contingent accreditation (30 days unannounced),
preliminary denial. Failure to correct the JC’s findings may result in
a loss of Medicare funding.
- The JC and the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will score Medicare
Conditions of Participation. If conditions level of participation is
not met, JC will return unannounced within 60 days for a follow up. The
report will be shared with CMS who may also conduct an unannounced
- For-Cause surveys—JC
may conduct an unannounced visit for significant patient safety or
quality issue or trend of complaints, reports, etc or if the reason to
believe is not truthful in information shared with them.
changes for 2011
- Utilization Review
Plan/admission— continued stay and discharge review (per CMS)
- Visitor patient
rights (CMS)
- Qualifications for
language interpreters
- Identifying
communication needs including hearing, language, vision, etc.
- Staffing
effectiveness—Sentinel Event Review
- Safe injection
practices q New medical staff standards (March)
- Name a director for
outpatient services (CMS)
- Medical staff
approves director of nuclear services (CMS)
- Radiation and
radiation exposure tracer—FDA recommendations
- Added days for Life
Safety Survey
- 10 percent of average
daily census will be reviewed
- Ongoing Performance
Evaluation and Focus Performance Evaluation tracer
- Contracted services
- Cleaning,
disinfecting and sterilizing
- Interventional
radiology and radiology tracers
- Clinical information
- Anesthesia standards
- New reduced,
requirements for medication reconciliation
- Fire response
- Emergency operations
- Institute of
Psychiatry—director of social services
- Suicide risk
assessment tracer
How MUSC will organize
- Changing and
evolving audits based on compliance, standards, findings, etc –
administrator rounds; manager’s weekly chart audits for inpatient;
manager’s weekly chart audits for outpatient; procedures/time
out—universal protocol; Safety Wednesdays
- Redesigned expert
- New open medical
record review
- New accreditation and
2011 MUSC events
JC Diabetes survey (April); Stroke (late summer); JC Desk survey VAD
program- desk audit (fall); ACS trauma program (May/June); CMS
transplant program (late summer) and Chest Pain Center (September).
Full organizational survey (April)
The next meeting is March 1 at
2W committee Amphitheater.
Friday, Feb. 18,