Excellence in Action
My wife and
I had to re-admit our 5-year-old daughter, Kennedy, due to
complications from previous brain tumor surgeries. As you could
imagine, this was a very trying time, especially in light of the
Christmas and New Year's seasons. Caroline DeLongchamps introduced
herself to us and has been rendering assistance ever since. The entire
PICU staff has been exceptional, but Caroline has gone above and beyond
what should be required by any staff member.
MUSC’s Caroline
DeLongchamps, Children Volunteer Guest Services, center, with Kennedy
and her parents, Oscar and Stacy Douglas.
My family and I decided to provide a Christmas meal for the other
families visiting with their critical care loved ones. Caroline
volunteered to provide paper products and utensils for the meal. That
in itself was a kind gesture, but that wasn't enough as Caroline
arranged to have the conference room opened to provide a place for all
of us to fellowship on Christmas day. My wife and I waited for some
"surrogate" to arrive with the utensils, but instead we were greeted by
Caroline and two MUSC security guards bearing a wagon full of food that
had been donated and huge bags of toys. What my family and I had
planned for a meal to feed about 10-12 people, enabled us to feed all
the visiting families. With Caroline's assistance, we were able to not
only feed the people previously mentioned, but we were able to take a
large amount of food to the Crisis Ministries shelter.
In closing, I'd like to state that I'm a business owner, and I know the
value of great employees. You should be awfully proud of an employee
who not only does what is required per his or her job description, but
does the extra things that gives this institution the great name and
reputation it's garnered for years.
The Douglas
Oscar, Stacy,
Jordan, and "Princess Kennedy"
Friday, Feb. 4,