Grant program connects health care professionals
across SC
In the fall
of 2010, the South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC)
received funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration
after completing a request for proposals for an initiative known as
Equipment to Enhance the Training for Health Professionals. This
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded initiative has enabled
S.C. AHEC to place Polycom videoconferencing equipment in the five
program office, the offices of the four regional centers and in 20
rural hospitals across the state.
The grant application, known as the S.C. Health Occupations Outreach
Learning System (Schools), enables access to continuing education
programs, student rotation support and research initiatives through the
use of videoconferencing equipment. Programs and trainings are
delivered from any of the S.C. AHEC locations over a high- speed,
dedicated broadband highway known as the Palmetto State Providers
Network (PSPN).
“We are excited to launch Schools in partnership with the PSPN
initiative,” said Ragan DuBose-Morris, program services manager for
S.C. AHEC and the project’s principal investigator. “Schools will allow
health care professionals in all areas of the state to participate in
training programs that will directly impact patient care.”
The first statewide program will be broadcast from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m.
Feb. 15 from the S.C. AHEC Program Office housed at MUSC in Room 802
Harborview Office Tower (HOT 802). Joel Handler, M.D., Kaiser
Permanente’s lead hypertension physician in Southern California, will
present a live program on “Optimizing Hypertension Control.”
Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are offered by the MUSC
Office of CME to participants at any location. To attend the session,
e-mail duboser@musc.edu. Space is limited. For information about
Schools, visit http://www.scahec.net.
Friday, Feb. 4,