In support of autism research and treatment, theMUSC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences will host a fundraiser March 27 at James Island County Park.
The family-friendly event begins at 1 p.m. and features a free-throw competition, live music by Playlist, remote broadcast by 95SX, catering by Sticky Fingers, a silent auction and children’s activities.
Hosts for the event will be Raphael James of WCSC’s Live 5 News and Kelly G. of 95SX. Admission tickets will be $15, with no charge for children 12 and under. Tickets will be available the day of the event for $20. Entry includes all food and two drink tickets. Entrance to the free-throw competition is $30 and includes event entry. The competition winner will receive two tickets to the NCAA men’s basketball finals in Houston, Texas, and four nights hotel accommodations at the Marriott Medical Center Hotel.
To charge by phone with a major credit card, call (843) 792-0175. Tickets also are available for purchase at Funds will benefit Project Rex, Early Identification Community Education, the Brain Stimulation Laboratory, the Youth Division, and the National Crime Victims Center. For more information, visit